Prime Time: Trevor Sargent - Greener than green?


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What did Trevor Sargent had written on the palm of his left hand last night during Prime Time?

Is he so green to the point of not even using recycled paper for notes? or may be does he intend going back to college? or was he cheating?
:D noticed that too

Maybe it was a reminder to challenge McDowell at every available opportunity...thought Trev came accross fairly well - a bit more 'ballsy' than you would expect. Pat's always good at these things but McDowell just radiated elitism and pompousness and I would reckon that in basic personality terms, to the general public, he's just so unlikeable.

He did however deliver a killer blow to Gerry Adams re drugs/columbia 3 etc

Missed the rest - did Gerry recover?
I thought McDowell was far ahead of the others in the debate. Surprised at Pat Rabbitte, usually he is much better. I agree McDowell came across as argumentative- however at least he was showing a bit of passion. Sargent was only ok. This reminded me of why I used to admire McDowell for his attacks on Sin Fein. He's also fairly witty- loved that line ' I'm surrounded by the left, the far left and the left overs'. He was the clear winner for me.

No I don't think Gerry Adams recovered- he did the usual deflection to the peace process and for good measure threw in a bit at the end about suicide but the arrows had hit home.
Missed the rest - did Gerry recover?
Not at all. Adams performed very poorly, Rabbitte was the clear winner on the night by a country mile (and I have no love for Labour). McDowell was like a cornered animal. I was unconvinced by Trevor; I was embarrassed for him re the notes on his hand. I don't suppose many people watched it.
I was starting to feel sorry for McDowell he was so poor. Sargent was very good, Rabbitte next, Adams probably shaded 3rd from McDowell, though he's not very well up on the issues.
Have to admit I didn't see it adn am sorry now. From what I've heard, it sounds like it matched my pre-concieved image of the Four Horsemen:

Mick the Mauler: snarling and snapping in the corner
Trevor: green by name, green (as in naive) by nature
Rabitte: snug to the point of content, knowing he had little to do except hand out the shovels for the rest to dig holes for themselves
Adams: Apathetic to anything other than a United Ireland, with no plan as to what to do with the country if he got his hands on it.
Actually what I thought was more of a killer blow for Adams was when he was saying that he and his fellow members of Sin Fein take only the average industrial wage etc and Mc Dowell pointed out that for someone with holiday homes in Donegal and somewhere else ( I can't remember) he was doing very well on the average industrial wage- it's fairly obvious, to me at least, that Gerry Adams isn't living on just his 'average industrial wage' and I admire McDowell for having the guts to stand up and say it.

I heard a few commentators this morning saying Rabbitte was 'smug' but I didn't see that. I just thought he was ineffectual last night- he made one wisecrack at McDowell calling him a 'menopausal paris hilton' but for me it didn't hit home at all.
Actually what I thought was more of a killer blow for Adams was when he was saying that he and his fellow members of Sin Fein take only the average industrial wage etc and Mc Dowell pointed out that for someone with holiday homes in Donegal and somewhere else ( I can't remember) he was doing very well on the average industrial wage- it's fairly obvious, to me at least, that Gerry Adams isn't living on just his 'average industrial wage' and I admire McDowell for having the guts to stand up and say it.

Adams - sure the bank owned those houses,
Mcd - Thats the Northern Bank perhaps?
:D nice one
LOL. When McDowell is good, he's very, very good. Unfortunately when he's bad...
I thought the Rottweiler pulled up Gerry really well on the economy when gerry went of on a million tangents to avoid the answer! I thought Searant was quite good but when I saw the notes (and there were many) on his hand I had to least use beermats man!

Overall I thought the Rottweiler won as he proved the others hadn;t a clue how to build an economy - sure anyone can spend it!!

Really looking forward to tonight...wonder will they remain all nicey-nicey or will we see some personal attacks!!! Time to book the chinese and open some vino!

anyone find the management of discussions is very poor - Hobbs and Cooper, Miriam O'C, etc etc are rubbish at managing the squabbling. its not proper debate. If it starts tonight i will switch off.
Yes, I agree. debate on radio is far better, I think, as the facilitator/presenter has to intervene in order to ensure the listener does not switch off when two people try to shout each other down.
Adams - sure the bank owned those houses,
Mcd - Thats the Northern Bank perhaps?
:D nice one
He said 'Northern Ireland' bank - doesn't exist afaik - as there have been no convictions re the crime that I imagine you're referring to, I can't believe I'm being forced to stand up for SF!!

Actually what I thought was more of a killer blow for Adams was when he was saying that he and his fellow members of Sin Fein take only the average industrial wage etc and Mc Dowell pointed out that for someone with holiday homes in Donegal and somewhere else ( I can't remember) he was doing very well on the average industrial wage- it's fairly obvious, to me at least, that Gerry Adams isn't living on just his 'average industrial wage' and I admire McDowell for having the guts to stand up and say it.
Adams is a published novellist, presumably he made a few pound on that, he never said that his only source of income was his MP/MLA salary, can nobody else see how pathetic McDowell was yesterday or is it just me??
Yes, I agree. debate on radio is far better, I think, as the facilitator/presenter has to intervene in order to ensure the listener does not switch off when two people try to shout each other down.

I've only tuned in twice to different debates in the past week and both were shouting matches. Miriam lost total control of Willie O'Dea and Brian Hayes the other night with Willie being the main culprit. She told them at one stage they were like two school boys. The shouting continued before I turned it off.

I also find that unlike US and UK debates that both sides and especially, IMO, FF seem to make facts up and run with them. The other side is then shot down when trying to respond so the viewer is left none the wiser.

Still not sure who's getting my vote. Maybe tonight might seal the deal.
Adams is a published novellist, presumably he made a few pound on that, he never said that his only source of income was his MP/MLA salary, can nobody else see how pathetic McDowell was yesterday or is it just me??

Adams said that he and his other party members were taking only the average industrial wage- the implication being that he was subsisting on this. I have no idea what other income streams the man might have- apart from the illegal possibilities- he could have inherited wealth, could have won the lotto. However if he is going to try to act the common man by mention of the average industrial wage then he must take the inevitable rebuttals on the chin. Personally I thought Adams was pathetic, not McDowell.
It sounds interesting. Normally politics puts me totally to sleep. Some of the quips quoted above are funny and its on again ? with all 4 of them ?

I missed the first one , is it online somewhere ?
It sounds interesting. Normally politics puts me totally to sleep. Some of the quips quoted above are funny and its on again ? with all 4 of them ?

I missed the first one , is it online somewhere ?

RTE have it online. There's only the one though - Bertie v's Enda tonight.
Adams said that he and his other party members were taking only the average industrial wage- the implication being that he was subsisting on this. I have no idea what other income streams the man might have- apart from the illegal possibilities- he could have inherited wealth, could have won the lotto. However if he is going to try to act the common man by mention of the average industrial wage then he must take the inevitable rebuttals on the chin. Personally I thought Adams was pathetic, not McDowell.
Well, perhaps if you'd read my post you would have an idea as to what other sources of income he has, why did you feel the need to include the phrase "apart from the illegal possibilities", perhaps you'd like to give us some more detail?
When he and every Sinn Fein representative mention that they take only the average industrial wage from their MLA/TD/MP/MEP salary, that is presumably a fact, that does not imo imply that they subsist on this money only - why would it??
I thought McDowell was pathetic in that he seemed to be incapable of anything other than throwing cheap shots at the others, he was like a naughty schoolboy, I thought Adams did not have a good understanding of the issues that are important to people in the south, and really SF would have been better served with O'Caolain representing them.
No, not on again sign AFAIK - just Enda V Bertie tonight.

Which should interesting - I think Enda has improved a lot during this campaign and if all Bertie has is his 'ah sure' blokeish common man approach he could find himself embarassed by, gulp, Enda Kenny

Thought McD's comments on Northern Bank/wealth etc were a bit petty even if they were justified. It just comes accross as bitter and unconstructive. I'm no fan of either man but Adams should be taken to task more often - more so on being evasive than anything else. He has this knack of belittling preceeding discussions and steering the topic by saying ' ok then, let's have a debate' psychologically, the implication is that no previous contributions were 'a debate'... but then he just offers a vague, idealogical position on everything... don't know how everyone can't see through this and Bertie's approach
Well, perhaps if you'd read my post you would have an idea as to what other sources of income he has, why did you feel the need to include the phrase "apart from the illegal possibilities", perhaps you'd like to give us some more detail?
When he and every Sinn Fein representative mention that they take only the average industrial wage from their MLA/TD/MP/MEP salary, that is presumably a fact, that does not imo imply that they subsist on this money only - why would it??

Are you telling me that you don't believe for one minute that Sinn Fein/ the IRA has not been involved in drug running, protection rackets, bank raids, arm sales, sales of terrorist training? That's my personal belief. No I can't prove it. Doesn't alter the belief though. That's why I admire McDowell for having the courage to point the finger at Adams and his like.

I believe that Adams mentions taking only the industrial wage deliberately to give the impression that this is his only income, yes.