Election posters


Registered User
Do other people find these annoying? I don't know if I'm alone, but seeing the same poster on every single lamp post/pole down a street is one way of guaranteeing I will not vote for that individual. Is there any limit to the number of posters a candidate is allowed? They should be limited to at most 100 posters per candidate, and have a minimum spacing.
Agreed, absolutely head-wrecking. There is no need for the same poster to be on every single lamp-post on a stretch of road. Can't say I mind looking at the poster of Anne-Marie Martin though! :)
Its the same with the multiple letter-box drops, such a waste of paper.
Can't get over how dark Enda Kenny's hair is in his posters compared with real life. Won't people vote for a redhead?
Anyone see the Sinn Fein posters with Gerry Adams' face on them, and the caption "WE DELIVER"

Are they referring to diesel?

We deserve to be told.
To me, the posters looks like a cartoon caricature of Liz. For someone who trades on her looks, I can't believe that she got it so badly wrong.
I have seen two posters of her. The first one was terrible and the second one is just OK. I think it's a bit harsh to say that she trades on her looks. I know that the Labour party has little time for the PD's but she is one of the few members of this government who has shown high levels of integrity. When she was junior minister for foreign affairs she stated publicly that she would resign if Charlie McCreevey cut overseas aid in a budget. I am not a member of any political party but have a good deal of respect for many politicians (even some in Labour!) and do not subscribe to the "they're all a bunch of crooks" philosophy.
Not to mention the fact that each of these apparently cost €6 to produce. On one small bit of dual carriageway in Dublin I counted 22 posters of Bertie last week. So €132 for a few yards of road, I can only imagine how much the bill was for his posters. Sickening.
I have seen two posters of her. The first one was terrible and the second one is just OK. I think it's a bit harsh to say that she trades on her looks. I know that the Labour party has little time for the PD's but she is one of the few members of this government who has shown high levels of integrity. When she was junior minister for foreign affairs she stated publicly that she would resign if Charlie McCreevey cut overseas aid in a budget. I am not a member of any political party but have a good deal of respect for many politicians (even some in Labour!) and do not subscribe to the "they're all a bunch of crooks" philosophy.

OK, so maybe it was a little harsh (or just plain bitchy) to take a swipe at Liz. I've never doubted her ability, and I would recognise the work she did on the Good Friday agreement. However, she's not above fluttering her eyelashes to get onto the cover the Irish Times while sipping a glass of chardonnay (as happened a few weeks ago) when any other politician has to kiss a baby, or kiss a babe or wear a silly hat to get their picture on the cover. She's not renowed for the amount of time she spends on the ground here in her constituency (excluding lunching at House of Fraser of course).
someone has carefully altered the fianna fail ones on the navan road to read fianna failed....
Very good.

I have seen ones where after the slogan "the next steps" was carefully written "off a very high cliff" :D

On the berties team ones of him and a list of people, someone covered up the list of names and wrote, "The money was just resting in my account" :D
OK, so maybe it was a little harsh (or just plain bitchy) to take a swipe at Liz.(...) She's not renowed for the amount of time she spends on the ground here in her constituency (excluding lunching at House of Fraser of course).
I don't vote for TD's based on how much time they spend on the ground in their constituency, if I had a local issue I would talk to a local councillor. I vote for TD's based on how I think they and their party will run the country. I dislike parish pump politicians. To me they are not doing their job if they are getting street lights in or medical cards issued.
Not sure if anyone has seen this but told that one of Mary Harney's PD posters around Citywest was altered from the official "Don't throw it all away" to read
"Don't throw it all away ... I will eat it later".
Cruel but funny...
I don't vote for TD's based on how much time they spend on the ground in their constituency, if I had a local issue I would talk to a local councillor. I vote for TD's based on how I think they and their party will run the country. I dislike parish pump politicians. To me they are not doing their job if they are getting street lights in or medical cards issued.

Me too, within the limitations of councillors roles. But you (and I) are (if my modesty permits) exceptional people. No politician will survive a 2nd term in Ireland if they don't make themselves available to their constituents on the ground.
Not to mention the fact that each of these apparently cost €6 to produce. On one small bit of dual carriageway in Dublin I counted 22 posters of Bertie last week. So €132 for a few yards of road, I can only imagine how much the bill was for his posters. Sickening.

Got this from a very reliable source, the posters cost €13 each for the standard ones and the big party ones cost €110 each, now do your calculations every time you see them
When she was junior minister for foreign affairs she stated publicly that she would resign if Charlie McCreevey cut overseas aid in a budget.

Ireland has never even come close to spending its stated commitments to foreign aid. Did LO'D actually resign in protest? Get real.

BTW, personally, I don't get the Luscious Liz thing. She may be reasonably presentable by Dail Eireann standards but that's nothing to crow about. Olwyn Enright must be about the best looking female TD at the moment.
I'm building a 4' x 4' kennel for our (growing) labrador at the moment and it's a source of considerable pleasure to me that I'll be able to line it with a few of these — sturdy, lightweight, waterproof and windproof — and all paid for out of party political funds! :)

I haven't decided yet whether I should put the printed sides facing inwards, so that the dog will come to know their faces. I'm a bit worried about the possible psychological effects...