The Apprentice


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Anyone watching this? Think it's a very good show. Yer one Katie is getting very catty! Who do you think will win....I reckon the Irish girl will do well and also the Cambridge graduate...
I think Katie got nasty because she really, really wanted Adam binned, and wanted to show him in the worst possible light. He was also getting a little too personal.
I think Katie got nasty because she really, really wanted Adam binned, and wanted to show him in the worst possible light. He was also getting a little too personal.

I think they're the greatest lot of gob****es that ever walked the planet! Katie got personal because she has hated Adam since day one. IMO she's the worst kind of snob who thinks anyone with a North country accent is automatically less intelligent than herself.

The Irish girl has her wits about her but she's want to watch she doesn't overstep the mark. I love it.
Frances is the mystery one.

Is she an actress or a real nail-painter?

'You can go into the boardroom now'
I think they're the greatest lot of gob****es that ever walked the planet! Katie got personal because she has hated Adam since day one. IMO she's the worst kind of snob who thinks anyone with a North country accent is automatically less intelligent than herself.

The Irish girl has her wits about her but she's want to watch she doesn't overstep the mark. I love it.

Agree 100% - major pain. Hope herslf and the Irish girl have it out in the final!!
Who else suspects most of the 'apprentices' are actors or wannabes? Come on, Katie is supposedly intelligent, well educated- do you not think she knew exactly how her remarks about Adam would be taken?

Meanwhile the other clowns wait in the wings- Tre the chauvinistic megalomaniac, and whatshername the black girl who thinks she's gods gift? They've got to be putting it on?

I find this series a bit unbelievable. Still watching though.
I don't think she was against him because he had a north country accent. I know there's a lot that we don't see, and it may be unfair to judge him based only on what we see on the program, but I thought Adam was way out of his depth. I could have achieved at the same level or better, and I don't think I'm anywhere near what is required for the role.

I don't think they're actors. What I would like to know is who selected the candidates. Some of them are/were obviously unsuited for the job, and you have to wonder whether they were selected only to make the program more entertaining.
What I find facinating is that ALL of them think they are the business! They keep going on about how great they are even after getting fired - it's unreal.
What I find facinating is that ALL of them think they are the business! They keep going on about how great they are even after getting fired - it's unreal.

Well, all but one will be looking for a job after the show so I suppose they have to keep up the front and the excuses......editing etc.:D

Vanilla I've actually met people like Katie, they have the benefit of a good education simply because their parents had money. However, it doesn't prove inate intelligence and more importantly ' horse sense'! It's only my opinion but people like Katie automatically feel that others will agree with them, and if they don't, its because they're stupid. I imagine she'll be astounded at others' opinion of her comments. She's a good sales woman though and was able to put her dislike of the Irish girl aside in order to do well.
I'm wondering whether they deliberately misunderstood the rules to get rid of Adam. It seems a bit strange that all four of them missed the fact that the penalty for not getting an item was larger than the penalty for beiong late. Was there a strategy of "Do enough that I won't go, while leaving him dangling". Alan Sugar suggested as much.

You have to wonder how they select the candidates. Some of them definitely seem a long way short of what is needed. There seemed to be more genuinely able people among the candidates in the last series.
I wondered about that too. He did ask early on about Nigella seeds and was told they hadn't the time. Later, when they had a source at Stanstead, the time was up. Those two ladies are very smart and I doubt they couldn't find the time to apply themselves for five minutes. Both definitely have it in them. I didn't like the way the Irish girl (what's her name) put sweets in childrens hands in another task, in order to force the parents to buy. Her attitude was 'all's fair etc. etc.
I had the same response. If someone did that to me, I'd be very tempted to tell them "You gave it to my child. Don't expect me to pay for it. Goodbye."

At the very least, I'd take her aside out of earshot of the child, and give her a blast. I'd probably also be asking to speak to a manager.
Kristina Grimes is the name of the 'irish' girl. [broken link removed]

Jadine is the black girl.

If I'd been approached with my children and pushed to buy the lollipop in this way I'd be mad too and would tell them about it.

Personally though I thought the idea of the kiss for a quid was the worst. For professional women to stoop to this was just low. Whose idea was that, I can't remember now?
It was their project manager who came up with that idea. I think the women lost that challenge, and she was fired. The idea was certainly slated in the board room.

I think the comment was that this behaviour was a little too close to a somewhat older profession.
I haven't noticed any very strong candidates yet. What amazes me is that the voiceover on the show tells you they have beaten 10,000 applicants to get a place. I think Jadine, Kristina and Loehit [sp?] are the front runners at this stage. Yer man nick with his raised eyebrows and smart comments is hilarious. It should get very interesting next couple of weeks.
Anyway I think the reason they all thought Adam was sullen and negative was his glasses. They're probably all the rage at the moment but they made his brow look dark and heavy. There was a huge difference in his demeanor when he was on the BBC2 show afterward, minus the glasses. I'm not suggesting that all glasses have this effect, just his particular pair.
Thought Kristina came up with the kissogram idea? Katie won't be fired because she is huge entertainment value with her comments of 'Adam is C stream' and 'Kristina is too orange to be taken seriously'!) Great show. Wonder how much 'Sir Alan ' is making to agree to do another series?
the person who won the last apprentice was earning over €100,000 a year before the show. just used the show for publicity and has since quit to go back to her own business. Sugar is the daddy :D of them all though. such a pleaseant and nice man, so easy to warm to.