Portarlington questions

Gary 23

Registered User
Does anybody know if there are new commercial/town developments are taking place in portarlington?
The "shopping centre" has had the same opening sign for ages now and there is no word on when it will be started let alone completed. Also if anybody has any news on any other non-residential developments in he town please post the info for all to see.

Hi Gary,

The shopping centre is going ahead but it will not commence until 2008. I've heard that the current development in Landsdowne needs to be completed first before the centre is started - reason stated is that they don't want a shopping centre completed and there is still a building site on-site for houses - a health and safety issue for shoppers apparently. There have been rumours that the developer is just going to build houses on the site instead - which is rubbish as the site is designated on the development plan as a shopping centre. Any residential development would contravene this and would have to be applied for. It is a town full of rumours and innuendo anyway so that's par for the course.
Whether the shopping centre is going ahead or not is debatable. A builder I spoke to last week said "no, just more houses".

There is planning for a new school on Station Road. The petrol station at Bracklone street is being redeveloped. There is a new development opposite the park and at least the ground floor will be commercial.

It would be very nice to see some real development - especially redevelopment of the many derelict buildings.
More houses will only go ahead if planning permission is granted. The land in the development plan 2006 - 2012 is designated as a shopping centre area so can't see how more houses can be built without first applying for a change of use for the land and then applying for permission to build the houses on top of that.

We will wait and see if such permission is applied for. At the moment the only permission for the land is that of a shopping centre and the surrounding amenities.

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Whether the shopping centre is going ahead or not is debatable. A builder I spoke to last week said "no, just more houses".

Having said all that Stuart until something is actually built there is just an air of will it/won't it. I wish though they would take down the 'Open Autumn 2005' sign! And maybe put up a new one! I do know some of the guys in the estate trade locally very well and in Lisney and they still confirm it is going ahead. Another theory is that it ties in with Tesco appealing to An Bord Pleana the refusal of laois co co to allow them to build on the site on link road and if the appeal fails the developers can sell the cooletederry area to them as a 'ready to go' site with full planning permission for a shopping centre or at least get them as an anchor. That's another theory along with the other 5 million theories going around the place.