Julianstown Co. Meath


Registered User
Hello All,

Anyone any opinions on Julianstown Co. Meath ?

Whats the area like ?
Traffic ?
Good points /Bad Points ?
Incinerator ?

Just to start off the thread, I drive thru Julianstown on weekends, always thought of it as a nice little town - Right in the middle of Drogheda, Laytown and motorway. Not far from the Laytown railwaystation is not far either.
Good points:
- close to M1
- still has village feel, but close to 2 large towns
- great nightlife & social crowd
- Close to beach
- Great value for money
Bad points:
- Incinerator
- Bremore port, will be quite closeby also
- No supermarket, you will need to travel for this
- Apparently schools are quite crowded
- Traffic along the main road is very dangerous & can be congested at weekends.
Thanks for the replies !

just a few more questions.

1. How far away will the incinerator be ? Will it have much of an effect ?
2. Where is Bremore port ? What are the plans there ?

Zico said:
Thanks for the replies !

just a few more questions.

1. How far away will the incinerator be ? Will it have much of an effect ?
2. Where is Bremore port ? What are the plans there ?


Not sure about the incinerator (is it Duleek?), but Bremore Port will be sited between Balbriggan and Gormanston army camp.
Ye incinerator in Duleek its a few miles from Julianstown
the port is supposed to go just beyond cardy rock houses at the top of coney hill . people are starting to oppose it
There are new houses (small bungalow types) being built alongside the road halfway up the hill on the balbriggan side of julianstown, does anyone know who is building / selling them??
Actually they have decided to hold off for a while, but according to a PR that was released recently they still do intend to construct the incinerator. Apparently the S'Indo misreported this a week or so ago and jumped the gun.

In relation to the houses, I'm not sure who is constructing these but will do my best to find out and get back to you.
before you decide to buy i would ask some of the local estate agents about current prices in the area and how the downturn has impacted prices.
The value is good but there is a reason for that i know that trying to sell a house in certian pockets of Laytown,Balbriggan and Julianstown can take at least 8/10 months, dont expect to make fortunes either so if it goes wrong you wont be get out easily.

Please note the traffic despite the M1 on weekdays is horrendous , so i hope you like very early mornings and late evenings if going to town. The train station at Laytown is oversubscribed , you will be standing all the way to Dublin but practice your rugby scrum tecniques as you will have problems getting on the train as you have masses coming from Drog/Dundalk.

There are pluses as previously mentioned but you are very far from a decent Garda Station, hospital, firestation, shopping centre,school, college and you transport costs will increase which negates value
I already live in balbriggan.

garda and fire stations both in drog and balbriggan and are less than 10 minutes drive by speed limit and quicker with a siren one would expect.

getting on the train for the past 5 years in balbriggan means that getting on the train in julianstown will be a pleasure.

traffic isnt too bad, but if using transport I wont be bothered. schools etc are only minutes in either direction (balbriggan or drogheda) too. however, im still interested in those houses :eek:)
getting on the train for the past 5 years in balbriggan means that getting on the train in julianstown will be a pleasure.

You'll find it very difficult to get on the train in Julianstown, in fact I would say it's impossible.
Bluetonic - :D

As Hasslehoff mentioned there is an increase in rail commuting costs from Laytown because it's outside the Dublin Suburban catchment area - annual ticket from Balbriggan (rail only) €845, from Laytown €1540. Car park at Laytown is (like many other IR carparks) too small.

Julianstown residents are calling for a by-pass, because they've seen traffic volume increase enormously despite the new M1 (toll-booth avoidance!).
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Traffic is a real problem in Julianstown. Don't think it's so much down to toll avoidance, it's a very slow detour to go through Drogheda. The real issue is there are only two M1 junctions available to the thousands of people now living in East Meath. One involves driving through Drogheda, so most go to Gormanstown.

I wouldn't worry too much about the incinerator. If it ever is built and there are issues with toxins etc, Julianstown is only one of many areas that might be affected.
There are new houses (small bungalow types) being built alongside the road halfway up the hill on the balbriggan side of julianstown, does anyone know who is building / selling them??


I know it's a long time since you asked this but in case you're still interested, I passed by these houses last night & there's an estate agent sign (O Brien Collins) announcing that they'll be launched soon. Couldn't see the name of the development, but had a look at OBC website and nothing in Julianstown advertised at the moment.