Sites Selling with no "Subject to Planning Permission" clause?


Registered User
Hi All,

Myself and Mr.Cyrstal have been toying with the idea of building our own house for a number of years....and are always on the lookout for a nice site(we live in the midlands)

In the last couple of months we have noticed that sites are being sold without any 'Subject to planning permission clause'. What the....???????

We saw a lovely site over the weekend, and I rang up Auctioneer about it....was told there is a current bid of 120K on it, and that it is being sold without ANY planning permission as, in his words....'planning permission is so hard to get these days' Again...what the.....??????????????

We don't have 120K or anything near it to throw away on what may end up being an unuseable field at the end of the day....Is this happening around the rest of the country??? Or what is going on?? I can't believe someone would buy a site without that all important clause.
In the last couple of months we have noticed that sites are being sold without any 'Subject to planning permission clause'. What the....???????
Surely this is simply a sale of land so...??????? What's so odd about that....??????
if it is being sold using the term "site" and not "field" then it is a bit misleadig however its up to the buyer.

Expensive allotment/ field if you don't get planning
Surely this is simply a sale of land so...??????? What's so odd about that....??????

No, it is being sold as a 'Site'!! The directional signs say 'Site for Sale' and the website says 'Site for Sale'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is also the same way another site was sold a few months ago in a different area, by a different auctioneer!!!
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Can I ask why this post was moved to 'Letting off Steam', or did I inadvertently post it there?

And also why it doesn't show up in 'Todays Posts' or 'New Posts' when I check after adding this post(plus I double checked this by logging out and rechecking?)
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Can I ask why this post was moved to 'Letting off Steam', or did I inadvertently post it there?

Because one of the moderators felt it was more appropriate in Letting off Steam.

Cyrstal said:
And also why it doesn't show up in 'Todays Posts' or 'New Posts' when I check after adding this post(plus I double checked this by logging out and rechecking?)

Because we have Letting off Steam and Shooting the Breeze posts excluded from the 'New Posts' filter.
To be honest I never check the Letting Off Steam Section or Shooting the Breeze as I usually go in and just click New Posts or Todays Posts.

I don't see how this is a Letting Off Steam section, as it is a query that I would like to see has this happened in other areas of the country. Surely it should be in Location Location or the like?
here in the West of Ireland when you buy a "site" without planning permission it is always bought subject to getting planning. You pay a booking deposit then apply for planning if you get it you complete sale if refused you get your deposit back. It is expensive for the buyer as a refusal can end up with costs of 2-3k for plans etc.(I know I was that buyer)
To be honest I never check the Letting Off Steam Section or Shooting the Breeze as I usually go in and just click New Posts or Todays Posts.

I don't see how this is a Letting Off Steam section, as it is a query that I would like to see has this happened in other areas of the country. Surely it should be in Location Location or the like?

Well now you really are letting off steam... that's the spirit:)
Thanks for that Marcecie. The auctioneer just said that it's been sold without any of that type of clause? As I said it doesn't seem to be unusual in the midlands as it is the second site in six months that we have looked at that this has been how it has been sold.

Again to the moderators? Why was this post moved to Letting off Steam?
slightly off the subject I've noticed a number of older houses having a new house build on land and then older property bulldozed after completion. Apparently up around meath / louth area it has been easier for people to buy where there is an existing house, apply for PP, live there for duration of build then knock it down on completion.
Simple answer is...

Don't buy a site unless it is being sold 'Subject to Planning' and if you do insist, check the planning history of the site prior to doing so...

To me, it's a way of Auctioneers offloading difficult sites without having the sale drag on while planning is sought..