Noise pollution from Sports Centre


Registered User
I live close to a sports centre, which has been built about a year now. I noticed that there seemed to be a humming noise coming from it. I investigated and with help from the manager we found out that it was the fans on the top of the roof. These were being switched on during the warm weather to cool the inside down. The manage promise me that these would be switched off at 8.30 each night during the warm days, but I constantly have to ring him to turn them off as he or one of his staff have forgot to do so.

I have mention it to the estate committee and they have wrote a letter of complaint to the head office, but I since have got no feedback. Can they be forced to put sound proofing around these fans and a thermostat to only allow the fans to come on when needed????? other than being turned on/off manual.

I have checked into sound pollution definition and I believe that it any sound that is affecting your quality of life. I’d say sleepless nights and a crying wife qualifies for this….
There are more sophisticated ways of curing such nuisance noise nowadays- fans can be attenuated and automatic controllers fitted to regulate their operation. There is no reason why there need be a reliance on a "somone" to turn these things on or off at the appropriate times.
Problem with soundproofing is that it would probably block airflow as well. Quieter fans might be a better option.

Either that or one of those timer switches that you can set the on and off times for. This should be considerably cheaper.
I have checked into sound pollution definition and I believe that it any sound that is affecting your quality of life. I’d say sleepless nights and a crying wife qualifies for this….
If it's bad enough to cause you sleepless nights, and assuming your house is built to half-way decent standards, there are a number of avenues to explore. Contact your local authority - county / city council - and ask for the Environmental Health section / officer. Explain the situation to them, and ask them if they can inspect the premises in question for excessive noise. Do it today - it may take a while for them to schedule a visit, depending on workload. Pending any visit / inspection, keep written records of how often it's on through the night, and records of any efforts you've made to address the issue with the sports complex management.

You can also have an independent company monitor the noise level and check whether it breaches residential area rules, and produce this as evidence to the sports complex. But I recommend starting with the local authority and seeing what they can do for you - they will have the expertise to deal with it, and you won't have the expense of going it alone with monitoring records / legal action.

I have real sympathy for you and your wife in this situation - I have difficulty getting to sleep with high levels of ambient noise (especially low-frequency, which can make it feel like the whole house is resonating), and it would drive me nuts to know that the only reason it's on is that some utter gobdaw forgot to flick a switch. Again. :mad:

Good luck.