Smoking in cars


Registered User
Heard a minister on radio yesterday evening say that: "smoking while driving was as dangerous as using a phone, so if using a phone carries points so should cigarette smoking".
What a load of baloney, imagine an educated elected representative saying such a thing, the next thing we will get points for is turning on the radio or wiping/picking your nose, or winding down your window, even changing the gear your hands wont be on the steering wheel, ban radios,window winders and gears too and especally two way radios and sat navs, You don't look at a cigg while you smoke or have your hand off the wheel any longer than the above samples. Imagine how calm the smokers would be in traffic without their fix, I wouldn't like to cross their path anyway. How many lives do you all think would be saved or lost if such a ban came in ?
I believe it was a spokesman for ASH.
Their logic is:
a. Second hand smoke is bad - so ban smoking to protect non smokers in a car.
b. Smoking in a car causes accidents - you can't concentrate on driving.
This is a truly ridiculous statement.
Following their "logic", one would ban children, radios and while we're at it drivers etc.

Their argument based on point a. is that, since it might be difficult to know if there is a second person in the car, that to make things simpler they want to ban all smoking.

I can't see a problem with a ban... but only if a minor is in the car.... anyone over can get out and walk if they don't like it...
As an ex-smoker I would agree that smoking in cars could cause accidents. The actual smoking isnt too bad, but the lighting up and extinguishing can be a distraction- how many smokers actually pull over to light up a new fag?

I also think that secondhand smoke is a terrible thing to inflict on a child. Whether that be in a house or in a car. On the other hand there is only so far the state can intrude in our personal lives- ultimately people have to make a choice themselves.
Please bring this law in, especially for the dirty smokers who smoke with their children in the car with them
Get a grip can't legislate for everything!:( If you don't want people smoking in the car, tell them not to do it. People who smoke with children in the car are unthinking idiots IMO. Changing the law won't change the person. Ok it might save some children from some second hand smoke but that is all. Personally I don't want to live in a nanny state, although it feels like that's what Ireland is becoming. Individuality still matters to me and I neither want, nor expect others to conform to my views.....except ban chewing gum on the street of Dublin!:p Maybe I should start a campaign?
b. Smoking in a car causes accidents - you can't concentrate on driving.
This is a truly ridiculous statement.

A ridiculous statement ?? can you imagine where ones thoughts would be if one dropped a cigarette between ones legs while driving (and try imagine it at 100km/h !!:eek: I don't think you'd be concentrating on your driving !;)
A ridiculous statement ?? can you imagine where ones thoughts would be if one dropped a cigarette between ones legs while driving (and try imagine it at 100km/h !!:eek: I don't think you'd be concentrating on your driving !;)

Hear, hear! And imagine where one's thoughts would be if one dropped one's ferret between one's legs while driving (and try it at 100km/h!!). I don't think you'd be concentrating on your driving! He could climb up your trouser leg and devour your private bits!

I think its important that comments relating to a ban of smoking in cars 'per se' are made on the basis of safety in mind, as with the use of a mobile phone. However reference to smoking in cars in the presence of children is on a different level and is tantamount to an abuse of children. I think there is a civil liberty issue (up to a point) on the former, but not on the latter.

Regarding the safety issue on the former point, personally I have an open mind so far, but I am tending towards the view that mobile phone use in a car is potentially a bigger safety issue than smoking, especially texting while driving, but being a non-smoker (I used to smoke for years, but very rarely in a car) I have to be careful not to simply pass comments based on my own view of smoking now. It would be too easy to simply claim for a ban on smoking in cars because I don't agree with smoking, especially in cars, but doing it with kids on board is stupid, selfish and ignorant, even before the debate starts on the likelihood of it causing an accident.

Another poster also referred to other safety issues while driving, such as the use of satnav etc, and I have to say that during a recent trip in a car with someone who frequently adjusted his satnav while driving, it was a real concern. I was ready to grab the wheel and restore a straight line if necessary, but thankfully we got through it without incident...and yes, we did speak about it! Also, changing CDs or trying to tune in a certain radio station can cause serious distraction, but IMHO more commonsense should be "promoted" rather than trying to make certain things outlawed, especially when so many issues are unenforceable.
:D :D

1. Ban radios, CD players.
2. Ban Sat Nav devices.
3 Ban short skirted females/males from roadsides
4. Ban all passengers in case of distraction.

I have to be careful not to simply pass comments based on my own view of smoking now. It would be too easy to simply claim for a ban on smoking in cars because I don't agree with smoking, especially in cars, but doing it with kids on board is stupid, selfish and ignorant, even before the debate starts on the likelihood of it causing an accident.

Have to admit, I find the anti-smoking brigade very strange people :)

If their aim was the banning of smoking in public places (achieved), while also having concerns about children being subjected to smoking (in cars, etc), then that would be fine and understandable, but they seem to want to take it to a whole new level, eg talk of banning people from smoking in their own homes and in open spaces :eek:.

This suggests it's nothing to do with their wish not to be polluted by other people's smoke, it's just a desire to impose their views on others, what it's really about is control. The most virulent of the anti-smoking brigade remind me of those creatures in SPUC or Youth Defence, they tend to be miserable souls who are obsessed with how other's lead their lives. You can be sure, if they succeeded with banning smoking in the home, which they won't, they'd move on to another issue. All those who enjoy a glass of wine in the evening.........look out!
I agree with your comments Bushfire, and I hope not to be taken as one of those "anti-smoking brigade". As I said I used to smoke myself, quite a lot, and I made the point that, although I am now a typical reformed smoker in my views, I would not support anyone trying to ban it from cars for the sake of it.

I couldn't care less what smokers do as long as they don't impose their habit on others, and in fact my point was that a ban on smoking in cars should not be promoted just because of an anti-smoking preference.

I do however have very strong anti-smoking views when I see people smoking in cars where kids are also trapped inside, and I make no apology for feeling disgusted at the sight.
I couldn't care less what smokers do as long as they don't impose their habit on others

Fair enough! You're definitely not a member of the freaky anti-smoking brigade I mentioned because you're not concerned about what smokers do when it doesn't effect any one but themselves!

I do however have very strong anti-smoking views when I see people smoking in cars where kids are also trapped inside, and I make no apology for feeling disgusted at the sight.

No apology required, can't think of any defence of that behaviour.
If their aim was the banning of smoking in public places (achieved),
Not achieved yet - the current ban only applies to workplaces - it may take a couple of years to get all public places included.

There is a special place in hell reserved for those who smoke in a car with children, with the fan blowing all the smoke straight back at the kids. Having said that, I think we have enough unenforced laws at present without bringing in more.
Not achieved yet - the current ban only applies to workplaces - it may take a couple of years to get all public places included.

Apart from restaurants, pubs, cinemas and most public places where else would you like to see smoking banned?