Can I apply for an extension for a dwelling under construction?



Can I apply for an extension for a dwelling under construction?

I got planning for a dormer bungalow last July.
The project is above wall plate level, roof started.
It’s an L shaped dwelling.
NOW my client wants to put a balcony over the ground floor sunroom to the back,small part of th e "L" :(

Can I apply for an extension to permitted dwelling under construction?

"I Some Body hereby give notice of my intention to apply to Wexford Co. Council for planning permission for extension to a fully serviced detached dormer Dwelling under construction PL. Reg. No. 20061234. A) Changes to first floor layout B) Additional balcony to back over sunroom at Some where, Co. Wexford."

Or do I apply for new planning ?

"I Some Body hereby give notice of my intention to apply to Wexford Co. Council for planning permission for erection of a fully serviced detached dormer Dwelling and a single detached domestic Garage with all associated site works. With changes to first floor layout and additional balcony to back over sunroom from previous permitted dwelling (same foot print and location) PL. Reg. No. 20061234 at Some where, Co. Wexford."

Any constructive ideas welcome!
Make your application for full PP for alterations to house previously granted on foot of PP ref no XXXXX and currently under construction at XXXXX.

You can include what the alterations are. Im not 100% sure if you need to cease work but I would imagine that work may still continue on any other aspect of the house that does not affect the current proposal.

A quick phone call to your local planning office would sort it out in any event
You don’t seem well versed in planning rules from someone that has clients.

My solicitor tells me it is possible to get a letter called a “de mininus” (may not be correct spelling) from the council allowing
slight changes from the plans submitted and the letter is legally binding.

Never used it myself.
AAM is not intended to provide professional advice. Does your client know that you are posting on a bulletin board about his issue?
When we were going through the planning process for a new build in Wexford , our consultant advised us that " turrets and balconies would not be generally acceptd by the planners " He was well versed on what would and what would not get through.
Comments on replies to date...

Thanks for your comment Nutty Nut.

"You don’t seem well versed in planning rules from someone that has clients."
What’s your problem Brenbo? Who are you to criticise me in such a manner? It’s just a question I have not come across before.

"AAM is not intended to provide professional advice. Does your client know that you are posting on a bulletin board about his issue?"
I am quite aware Rainy Day that I posted a question on a non-binding bulletin board.

I know that balconies would not be generally accepted in Wexford Secman. But I have received planning permission on a few dwellings with balconies in the Wexford region.
Didn't intend that to be a snotty remark, sorry if it came across that way, was only offering advice as I also built in wexford area and as i said generally the planners don't like balconies.

Best of luck
Didn't intend that to be a snotty remark, sorry if it came across that way, was only offering advice as I also built in wexford area and as i said generally the planners don't like balconies.

Best of luck

hi Secman... didn't think you made a snotty remark...;)
I guess I got a bit hot under ther collar for some other comments made!
Hey Brenbo,
Could you get any more info on this 'De minimis' ... Sounds like something I might need myself ... A web definition is as follows ...

A legal term for an amount that is small enough to be ignored, too small to be taken seriously. Used to restrict legal provisions, including laws regarding international trade, to amounts of activity or trade that are not trivially small. Applied to levels of trade-distorting domestic support provided to agriculture where support below 5% of the value of production was exempt from cuts in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture.

Can't work out how you might apply this to the planning situation ...
Cheers ...
You got the official defination spot on. There are loads of planning matters that it can apply to. A couple of examples: Changing the size and/or position of a window or door, change from roof tiles to slates, slight alteration to position of house or entrance etc etc.

These changes would of course be minimal and really and truly I have found that it is down to the individual planner.
I don't know alot about it but just to let you know such a thing exist without re-applying for planning.
I guess nutty nut gives good examples of things it would covers.
Talk to a lawyer would be the best advice.