People who whistle in the office

convienient for who... just because they couldn't be bothered learning what is essentially a requirement for their job. Its not good enough. :mad:

I think the good Doc's suggestion of cutting them off and telling them to ask someone else is a good idea. Maybe develop a scowl if they ignore the first fob off you give them or act like Kevin (the teenager) from Harry Enfield and chums. "WHA?".

If you are more diplomatic maybe just ask to move desks. If asked why by your boss tell them the truth.

To give some moronity back to them maybe start asking them some braindead questions... "Have you seen that file. I'm just going to look around your desk. I'm sure i saw it at your desk. Did you take it. Are you sure because it looks like a file I saw on your desk. Do you think its likely that you took it. It has to be here. I saw it here before. Are you sure. Just let me have a look in your space..... etc." All that really does is give you a bit of satisfaction though rather than solve the problem!
whistling i could handle

- try working in an accounts dept and the woman behind you is totting her figures ALL DAY LONGGGGG out loud. Seriously now, i`ve said it a few times and about 10 minutes later its the same thing and as she`s totting up shes banging the poor helpless keyboard / calculator that did nothing to her.

I mnight as well be banging my head off the wall. i just have to put up and suffer :mad: :(

i dont know what this has to do with whistling, just thought i`d have a moan. Might print this off and stick it on the board on our office!!!!
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i dont know what this has to do with whistling...

Since when does that matter... :) this is the letting off steam forum. Be it whistling, totting, constant interruption, loud telephone conversations. We all feel the same pain being the perfect people that we are. :p
Since when does that matter... :) this is the letting off steam forum. Be it whistling, totting, constant interruption, loud telephone conversations. We all feel the same pain being the perfect people that we are. :p

well said Newby . That post was my 1st one in letting off steam. Im finally considered a frequent poster. go me go me....

Suppose i should have a moan now about people driving in the outside (overtaking/fast) lane and not bothering to pull in when someone wants to overtake...? ok lets not get me started about that.... *takes a deep breath* *searches for coffee cup*
About the questions - cut them off and look i'm in the middle of something at the moment. can you come back to me at X (some time whenever you're usually having coffee or maybe first thing in the morning). If the questions are always about the same thing, ask them to schedule some time to go through it in detail and knock it all on the head and provide them with other avenues to ask questions.
- try working in an accounts dept and the woman behind you is totting her figures ALL DAY LONGGGGG out loud. Seriously now, i`ve said it a few times and about 10 minutes later its the same thing and as she`s totting up shes banging the poor helpless keyboard / calculator that did nothing to her.

Could you 'train' her to do it silently by calling out random numbers and arithmetic operators when she is particularly loud?
Could you 'train' her to do it silently by calling out random numbers and arithmetic operators when she is particularly loud?

done it - doesn`t work. Actually several times. The radio is on very low next to us. i`ve sang along with it, turned it up, the lot!!

i know this sounds awful but on an occasion ive purposely called her for something stupid when shes right in the middle of totting out loud. In fairness she`ll stop and answer me!!!!!!!!!! I CANT WIN!!!!!! :(
Plug in headphones to the radio and if she complains tell her the reason for doing so.

*laughs* i can just imagine telling her the reason why and about 10 minutes later i forget there in and i get up to walk away taking the whole shelf with me.

She was dire this afternoon. she was getting more and more stressed out because her account wasnt working out for her. And i stopped to acknowledge what she was doing and her totting up was beyond the call of duty.
