Dangerous overtaking what should I do?

In that scenerio maybe but its really for the guards to enforce the rules, not for people to go vigilante using their car as a weapon.
Isn't there some very aggressive drivers out there these days??

Is the Garda confidential line really confidential? I too was listening to Joe Duffy and the woman who complained about the truck driver....I would be horrified if I complained about someone to the guards and then they gave my number out to that person...luckily it seems the truck driver really just called to apologise but the next time it might be some psycho who makes your life miserable.

Can we trust our guards to do the sensible thing? I don't have much confidence in them as you hear an awful lot of bad press and very little good press...such is life.

I this not taring all members of the Gardai with the same brush. To be honest I rang the Garda Traffic Watch (1890 205805) last week when I saw a gobsh**e driving like someone out of an F1 race. I rang them when I was at the Redcow and they had him pulled at Bluebell (now Idon't know if it was a case of they were in the right place at the right time) and I got a call from the Garda in question about an hour later and he is going to court with him(so am I mind but that dosen't really matter to me if it saves one life even if it is that gobsh**es life)
I have rung Trafficwatch a few times to report absolute assholes & in EVERY instance, it was followed up. One guy was p*ssed & almost killed us - he was taken to court & got a ban... if I hadn't rung the Guards, he could have killed somebody.

Why should muppets get away with driving in a dangerous or threatening manner - it's not acceptable to overtake on a bend with oncoming traffic & no space to manoeuver, or to force sombody doing 100kph onto the hard shoulder so they can zoom past (in a 100kph zone...)
Usually when I see an asshole trying this type of manouvre-trying to overtake and pull in front of you I just ensure I leave no space between me and the car in front...and then they either have the choice of hitting the oncoming car or pulling back in behind me....blowing the horn while all this is going on tends to alert other drivers and they usually start blowing too....

My concern here is that if he gets in front of me and has to slam on the brakes and I then hit him it's my fault!Also it might cop him on,if we all make it easy for them to get away with it why should they bother changing thier ways?
i was travelling from galway to cork last year, and i could see a guy in my wing/rear view mirrior driving dangeriously, trying to over take cars on bad bends with oncoming traffic... he eventually worked his way up behind me and drove about 2 feet from my rear bumper.. flashing lights, tried to pass me, even though there was a line of traffic about a mile long in front of me... anyway he was trying to pass me for ages, on bends and a few time having to hit the brakes to go in behind me again. and he went for it again, and an oncoming car had to swerve to avoid him, and the other cars travelling in the same direction as me had to brake and swerve as well....i called the cops in ennis and told them what was happening, and they said they would try to get him.. asked my for my details etc, but said i wanted them to have a word with him and that i did not want to go to court etc.. i told the guard i did not care if he kills himself, but would be very sorry to see someone else killed over him.... when we got to ennis they had him pulled in and they were writing up his details, and the were looking all around his cars, me and a few more blew the horn at him, and as i passed the guards i shouted well done.. as he would definately have killed someone that night.....
This is not exactly on the same vein as previous replies but here goes...

I was parked in an outdoor car park today, putting baby into car seat next thing I noticed the car beside me reversing back towards my pushchair which was behind me obviously. I hammered on her boot and she stopped just before hitting the pushchair.

Clearly this girl did not look in her mirrors. If she did not see the pushchair then she would not have seen a child inside or beside it.
It does not take that long to strap in a child and the ignorant cow could have let me finish rather than reversing into us.

I hope when she grows up and has children of her own to put into a car that others will afford her more courtesy than she showed to me and my kids today
Am guessing she did not see the pushchair because of its height. Thats why you should always reverse into a parking space and drive out.

This is not exactly on the same vein as previous replies but here goes...

I was parked in an outdoor car park today, putting baby into car seat next thing I noticed the car beside me reversing back towards my pushchair which was behind me obviously. I hammered on her boot and she stopped just before hitting the pushchair.

Clearly this girl did not look in her mirrors. If she did not see the pushchair then she would not have seen a child inside or beside it.
It does not take that long to strap in a child and the ignorant cow could have let me finish rather than reversing into us.

I hope when she grows up and has children of her own to put into a car that others will afford her more courtesy than she showed to me and my kids today
my wife reporting a youn glad for agressive driving and to be fair to the Guards they followed it up and it went to court. On the day the guy hired a solicitor who used agressive techniques to put put my wife off guard and he got away with it.
does the gardai number for reporting dangerous drivers still work? it was a pilot scheme in the South east and i thought they were going to roll it out nationwide?
does the gardai number for reporting dangerous drivers still work? it was a pilot scheme in the South east and i thought they were going to roll it out nationwide?

I this not taring all members of the Gardai with the same brush. To be honest I rang the Garda Traffic Watch (1890 205805) last week when I saw a gobsh**e driving like someone out of an F1 race. I rang them when I was at the Redcow and they had him pulled at Bluebell (now Idon't know if it was a case of they were in the right place at the right time) and I got a call from the Garda in question about an hour later and he is going to court with him(so am I mind but that dosen't really matter to me if it saves one life even if it is that gobsh**es life)

I have used this number in the past as well and while it can be difficult to get through, once you do the guards will respond. I reported a driver for dangerous overtaking and a guard called me back a few days later to get the details. It didn't go to court but I was told that he would get a caution.
My concern here is that if he gets in front of me and has to slam on the brakes and I then hit him it's my fault!Also it might cop him on,if we all make it easy for them to get away with it why should they bother changing thier ways?
these people may not always be dangerous drivers,you might have someone trying to overtake in an emergency situation so why should anyone break the rules of the road themselves and close a legal gap on someone else just because it bugs them to be overtaken.tailgating is equally as dangerous
Be very carefull about reporting driving incidents.What happen if the other driver get your personal details in the course of following up the complant.Bottom line is you dont know the other drivers background!!
closing a gap when someone tries a overtaking maneuver is illegal! and makes you just as bad as the other driver! People should report bad behavior and let the gardi deal with it, otherwise it can cause road rage. Worry about your own driving!
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