Move a radiator or install under floor heating


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We are currently in the process of renovating our kitchen. It's a long narrow kitchen with a double rad down near the back door and a single rad on the way into it. We're going to go the full length down one side of the kitchen and remove the double rad and replace the single with a double.
We were told by one plumber we had out that this would be fine. However, we have had a second opinion and the second guy has said that this won't be enough. When we asked him about placing devimats (UFH) under the tile, he said this also wouldn't be enough.

So we're in limbo...don't know what to do. Our kitchen guy has advised that as well as the ufh we could install a plinth heater so we could have instant heat as well as the ufh and forget about the rad.

Has anyone had a similar dilemma? Have you used devimats? Are they any good? Or indeed, has anyone got a plinth heater. Any suggestions about what we could do would be much appreciated.

I looked at this last year but I spoke to a lot of people who have underfloor heating and they all say they have to leave the heating on all day to feel the effect of the heating thus having higher running costs
Irish Fire, do you know if that is with the traditional type of ufh heating or using the devimats? My inlaws just got the mats in their kitchen and they said the place is boiling with it.

I reckon (and I'm not a plumber so don't know really!) that one double rad with the option of a blow heater and ufh should be ok....although as I said, we're no experts!
Irish Fire, do you know if that is with the traditional type of ufh heating or using the devimats? My inlaws just got the mats in their kitchen and they said the place is boiling with it.

I reckon (and I'm not a plumber so don't know really!) that one double rad with the option of a blow heater and ufh should be ok....although as I said, we're no experts!

Hi Kellier, I was looking at both types. is it not going overboard using a rad and underfloor heating? and you must also consider using all three type of heating at the same time (even if only to boost each other) will cost a fortune.
The DEVI mats use 100-150W per square meter, the plinth heater will be 2-3KW. You can work out yourself what that'll cost in electricity to run, but it won't be cheap.

Would it be feasible to incorporate a vertical radiator into the design? You can now get some pretty nice designer rads that you could make a feature of. Significantly more expensive than standards rads, but will save you money in the long term.
Just to say that it's important to replace that second radiator, as I found out last year when I re-modelled a kitchen/dining room (I reversed the layout) and lost a radiator in the process. I now have a room 24ft x 11ft with one double radiator and not enough wall space for a second at the kitchen end. I had to buy a gas cylinder heater to heat the room.
Thanks for your input guys. We have a third plumber coming out tomorrow so we'll see what he says. The intention wasn't to use all three at once, the plinth heater was just as a 'backup' so to speak in case that end of the kitchen was too cold without the rad down there although from asking around, the ufh is usually hot enough not to have any rads.