John Delaney/'The Gaffer' - Stay or Go ?



My personal opinion is that he should get the (football) boot ! On RTE news this evening - stat after stat after stat - IMO he is not the man for the job :eek:
Re: John Delaney - Stay or Go ?

It's time for Steve McLaren to take over.............:D
Re: John Delaney - Stay or Go ?

We could get him in to Supervise Bobby Robson, why not ?:p
Re: John Delaney - Stay or Go ?

Poor old Bobby should retire with his mobile phone.
He got a right pasting on Joe Duffy show today for over an hour, though a few felt sorry for him. He does not need that - he has enough troubles.
Problem is that if Bobby goes, the gaffe Staunton goes and that means Delaney goes.
Don't see it happening with the Merrion Squareheads..
Re: John Delaney - Stay or Go ?

Where was Staunton while Bobby Robson was trying to defend him. And I have to say he didn't sound well so I felt sorry for him. The whole thing is a farce. Staunton was a great player for this country but how the FAI thought going from reserve team coach at Walsall to manager of an International team was going to work, I am not so sure. It is time to call time on the whole thing. As for replacements, I wouldn't be his biggest fan but is David "my babies" O Leary doing anything at the moment.
Oi! Who changed the title of my post !!!? If I had wanted to call it that I would have !:D It was already a meaningful title !:D
I don't think either of them deserve a thread of their own (that's how highly I regard them!)-see Shooting The Breeze.
Maybe it's just me, but has anone been calling for the players to go? Surely they have ot get a severe kicking. And it was lovely reading in the Indo, that wonderfully adroit and correct paper, that poor old Bobby aged a year (73-74) in the space of an article! And that Shane Long has a team-mate called Shane Long who goes by the alias of Stephen Hunt! The concerted and pre-planned effort to destroy Brian Kerr was horrible, after beating Sweden there was a new dawn, a few poor games later and suddenly our side of world class world beaters with only a handful of committed diehards behind them (I'm talking ACTUAL football followers, EL and youths, in Ireland) now have no chance of qualifying for EURO '08, I love asking people, where were you when Denmark embarassed us at Lansdowne in our final qualification game for Mexico?
The truth is, that aside from Given, Doyle and possibly 1 if not 2 of the Reids (S&A) that was close to our 'best' team. You could argue that Hunt would push out Kilbane, but who else out there could seriously say they should be starting? Of the 11 that started against San Marino, all bar the goalie are Premier League (en Espanol in Ian Harte's case) players and should be good enough to put 5 or 6 past the likes of San Marino (and keep a clean sheet).

Yes, the players should take some of the blame. Against Cyprus I felt that Steve Finnan was a disaster and he's one of our best. Paul McShane was proclaimed the next Kevin Moran after one game but looked like the next Titus Bramble the other night. Damien Duff was nominated as FAI player of the year-you have got to be joking!

But does anyone seriously believe that the manager is getting the best out of these players? What was he thinking saying that Lee Carsley had no part to play and then having to climb down a week later? Who decided to make Robbie Keane captain? Who ignored Shane Long for meaningless friendlies against Sweden and Holland where the price of failure was zero?

almo-who would go out of the current starting 11 and squad? Who would come in? Maybe they should get 'a severe kicking', but can you see 'The Gaffer' doing a credible job given his coaching background?

I'm not a fan, but I think that David O'Leary was probably the best qualified Irishman the last time out. I don't think that the likes of Hiddink, O'Neill etc. would have seriously considered the job. I kinda felt sorry for Kerr, but he too failed when it counted-let's not forget the tactics empolyed against Israel.

And yes, the media are a joke-overhyping friendlies (no matter who we beat) is an old favourite of theirs. And we shouldn't get too carried away after a draw against a fairly lethargic Czech team. Israel, Cyrpus, San Marino, Switerzerland. Those are the results/performances that are killing us.
Oh yeah, and losing the feckin' rag like a spolit child against Germany? What good did that do the team? There's nothing wrong with passion, but that was just idiotic.
Oh yeah, and losing the feckin' rag like a spolit child against Germany? What good did that do the team? There's nothing wrong with passion, but that was just idiotic.

I agree. Put that together with a captain who thinks leadership is throwing your hands in the air looking for free kicks.
bandwagon or not (I've only ever been to 1 soccer friendly) arent people still entitled to their opinion and by any objective analysis Ireland has slipped very badly.

The world class manager became the world class "management team" - lets not forget that there was hardly anyone in the soccer world who wanted the job - so while it was a long shot at the outset its been dogged by poor Bobby's condition and the fact that Stan has abundantly shown himself to be an uninspirational muppet.

What ever happened to "the buck stops here" - why havent you stopped it yet.....

I was only sorry it wasnt 1 - 1 the other night because that would take the self-denial and hand wringing out of it, Stan would go. I'm not so enthuastic about calling for Delaney's head - o.k. the Stan fiasco isnt to his credit but it wasnt like he turned away any "world class" managers.

p.s. I dont have a problem with bandwagoners as long as they:

a) know they're bandwagoners and arent letting on to be die-hards
b) dont stop die-hards from getting tickets
c) dont feel the need to try to convince the world they're the best fans in the world ever (this one particularly applies to Munster Rugby - as a "passive" unknowledgeable fan of Munster rugby its this that pisses me off - & btw did you know that everyone stays quiet in Thomond for a kick so therefore Munster have a divine right to win forever ....;) )
ccovich, it increasingly seems like international players are more interested in bank balances than actually performing for their country. Now I may be totally wrong on this, but wouldn't this week have been a good time to throw in 4-5 EL players? I just watched the RTE news programmes for yesterday as well as Primetime (I mean, PRIMETIME!, what the heck is going on, Eamon Dunphy gets another chance, yet again, to say that his best mate (haha) shold have been manager and Steve's only being rewarded for sticking by the FAI), and what baffles me is this, supposedly the Irish fans OWN the Irish team, okay, I thought that it was the sponsors and their clubs. Also that a period of mourning should be introduced after we win a game, or at least until a Mussolini job is done on the manager and CEO.

What nobody seems to bother looking at is all but one of our players turn out in a half decent league, and as for our "world class talent" one is sliding to nowehere (Duff), another has no heart (Keane), another is perpetually injured (Given) and outside that we have journeymen. Which is fine, but let's not dress up a pig like a horse, we can compete in a limited scope sport like rugby, be world beaters in GAA (except International Rules of course as we stil don't realise that in each 2nd test the Aussies will just lay into the Irish in order to scare the daylights out of us), and in other sports we have the odd breakthrough without any decent structure at home to build on.

Surely Bertie wants a legacy other than stabbing Brenard O'Byrne in the back for the Eircom Park sellout, or trying to shame the GAA into giving over their stadium to minority sports, or perhaps Ireland wants this, to always be underdogs, runners fresh off the bogs winning all? Boxers having to emigrate to try breakthrough?
almo said:
ccovich, it increasingly seems like international players are more interested in bank balances than actually performing for their country.

Yes, maybe. So the manager should motivate them or drop them. Not bring them back into the fold a la Steve Carr, who (to me) doesn't look like he gave a toss the last few times he played for Ireland. It's not like we have a shortage of right backs.

Also that a period of mourning should be introduced after we win a game, or at least until a Mussolini job is done on the manager and CEO.

You admitted you didn't see the game the other night. The performance and the result (yes the result) was unacceptable. Heaven forbid we are in a tie for 2nd place and it comes down to goals scored/goal difference. 2-1 against San Marino ain't gonna cut it. Mourning and calling for heads is justified IMHO. But in reality, JD is going nowhere, and Stan will be given the Croker games at least I'm sure, and even then I would be surprised if he doesn't last through qualifying.

I know we may not be world beaters anymore, but I feel that the standard of football has dropped and we should be doing better. Why shouldn't we beat San Marino convincingly? Why should we concede 5 goals to Cyprus? Is there any reason why we shouldn't feel confident about playing the likes of Cyprus, Wales and Slovakia at home? And getting at least 2 draws away from home against those teams?

And remember, it's not like the team is trying hard or having a bad run of luck. If that was the case, there wouldn't be so much anger.
ccovich, it increasingly seems like international players are more interested in bank balances than actually performing for their country.
To an extent they are, but aren't we all?
Now I may be totally wrong on this, but wouldn't this week have been a good time to throw in 4-5 EL players?
Most probably not, why would you do that? Did Germany throw in 4/5 of their amateur league players when they fired 13 past san marino?
another is perpetually injured (Given) and outside that we have journeymen.
A bit harsh on Ireland's one world class player - i think this sept was the first injury he's suffered in years.

Whilst admittedly the personnel ain't all that hot, the problem is that the team have no respect for Stan, he's lost the dressing room, that's why they were happy with the 1-0, it would get them the points, and get Stan a barracking, at 1-1, did you see how urgent they became? They had more chances in injury time (the ref was a disgrace playing on until Ireland scored btw) than in the rest of the game, because they knew how embarrassing a draw would be for them.
That's why Stan has to go, he's likeable, but totally inexperienced, more importantly, that feckin gimp who appointed him has to go too.

As for the fact that they all play premiership football, maybe that tells us more about the premiership below the top 3/4 than Sky would admitt to!!
As for the fact that they all play premiership football, maybe that tells us more about the premiership below the top 3/4 than Sky would admitt to!!

Had this discussion last night. I think you are spot on except I would include the top four. Look at England and the so-called world beaters of Gerrard and Lampard. Have never cut it at international level.

Actually, thinking about England....Sven is free and looking for a job....;)
So Ladies and Gentlemen -

Should John Delaney be booted out as president of the FAI ?? That's the question ;) :D
Should John Delaney be booted out......

He certainly should, but who'd do the booting? All his enemies are on the outside now, the FAI big wigs (literally in some cases :) ) are all his mates - if they voted him out they'd effectively be signing their own death warrants. Looks like we're stuck with the fella.
To be fair to John Delaney, apart from the Staunton debacle he does seem to have done a good job with the FAI. They are certainly more professional and they have made good steps towards getting the domestic game sorted out after the mess of the last few seasons. I think he should survive but certainly going forward, his say on who becomes manager should be limited!