Good Meteorological Site For Ireland....Any Suggestions?

[broken link removed] will let you know if there's any lightning :)eek: ) on its way. Mercifully the skies are clear tonight.

Can't vouch for it but they say TG4's weather forecasts are the most accurate we have -

But for endless meteorological details, dunno.
I can't vouch for it either - the buxom presenters are always in the way. It's a disgrace. :D

Are you saying you struggle to keep abreast with the forecast when they're on screen?
I don't struggle. I just recline and think of Eire.

Tsk, you don't give a thought to the Republic/Southern Ireland/The Free State/26 Counties/Unoccupied Territory? Or was that another thread?
OK thanx alot!!:)

Except for the last 4 or so posts. Don't have a clue.
Sounds like some Republican taking on a Loyalist or vise versa.

But thaks anyway i'll check out those links now.:D used to be brilliant and free - highly detailed info - it's subscription based now though (and I think quite expensive)

BTW - over on (in the sci section?) they've got a "Weather" board where you might get more info on this
I use the BBC website which gives a 5 day forecast for my local area (Drogheda). Includes hi/lo temps, wind speed, pressure & humidity.

Check out and enter your town name.
If you go to the and you can get weather forecasts for many parts of Ireland [broken link removed]
Well im looking for a good website for checking the Irish weather....I've tried it's ok but not very detailed...

Hi Sn@kebite, When you say you are looking for a good website for checking the Irish weather Im assuming you are looking for weather forecasts?

Some people check the weather for historical reasons (eg loss adjusters after a storm) or (to determine whether you might grow blueberrys in Co Offaly) or (to look for global warming trends) or (to plan water supply in resevoirs).
