Women's shoes...



Why do some women buy shoes and then wear them with the price still on the sole........??
If you don't say something about it - you get the chewing for letting her go out like that. And if you do - you get the chewing for not listening to her when she told you this was the style.
Because they do not want to ruin their nails by removing a small sticky price tag!

God some people are clueless!
sometime its because we can't get the darn tags off! Just bought a couple of pairs in the US and they have the new security tags incorporated in the price tag (looks like a square circuit board), and nails, nail file, and nail varnish remover won't get the darn thing off!
sometime its because we can't get the darn tags off! Just bought a couple of pairs in the US and they have the new security tags incorporated in the price tag (looks like a square circuit board), and nails, nail file, and nail varnish remover won't get the darn thing off!
You might want to leave them at home when you go shopping.

Handbag setting off shop alarms
thanks for the concern, managed to pullout all the wire (!) and so far haven't set off any alarms, but still have big sticky bit on the sole of my shoe!
Next time, ask the assistant at the store to remove the tag for you. At least that way, it will be their nails that get broken rather than yours. Also, it they do any damage in getting the tag off, it's their problem not yours.
Meths could be used to remove the residue glue left by stickers but you'd need to check that it would not damage the sole of the shoe by doing a patch test for example.
White spirit, I find is best for removing adhesive residues (especially those on my wife's new shoes!) as I think you'll find most adhesives are petroleum based...