Dogs ruining garden


Registered User
Hi all,
I have two adorable dogs, and a large north facing garden - to make matters worse, there is also a slope in the garden tilting down tworards the back of the house.

This magical combination means our back garden is a mud pit - inparticular just at the back door!:( I have had friends and family tell me to fence the dogs off, this is not a great solution for us as we are fond of barbis in the summer and the back of the garden greats great sun light...

Has any one any tips:)
We had similar problems with our fella (RIP). He would run around the perimeter and had created a nice mud running track that never went away. In the end we put down barkmulch... seemed to help the situation for us.
get some pebble/ little stones near back of the house..this way the both the dog and u will be happy
We had similar problems with our fella (RIP). He would run around the perimeter and had created a nice mud running track that never went away. In the end we put down barkmulch... seemed to help the situation for us.

Ya, I agree the dogs must be put down, its te best for all concerned
Ya, I agree the dogs must be put down, its te best for all concerned
Evil person ... Evil person...:)

He would run around the perimeter and had created a nice mud running track that never went away

I'll try those solutions, as it is sooooo depressing looking out at the mud pit esp since the neighbours ahve really nice manacured gardens!

forgot to mention we have that too:)
the neighbours ahve really nice manacured gardens!

Allow the dog in there to do his business.

Cuts down on the amoount of work you have to do and also bring your garden nearer to the standard of the neighbours.

Everyone wins

Allow the dog in there to do his business.

Cuts down on the amoount of work you have to do and also bring your garden nearer to the standard of the neighbours.

Everyone wins

That is happening - one of the dogs is a springer (who is shockingly nosey) and he has taken to breaking into their gardens !!!