very slow these days?

No difference for me, fine it quite responsive to requests both on a 3MB 48:1 line and 4MB 1:1 line.
AAM was very slow last night due to what seemed like a problem with Hosting365's server. Isn't boards also hosted by Hosting365?
yip i find painfully slowed compared to this..actually dont bother with Boards anymore and yes I have broadband..and no affiiliation to AAM
boards and terminally slow at varying times of the day.. been like that for at least the last year AFAIR...
Yes I've found Boards and lately Adverts to be slow, or the search function not working.
yip i find painfully slowed compared to this..actually dont bother with Boards anymore and yes I have broadband..and no affiiliation to AAM
Ditto. It must be well over a year ago that they started having problems - a victim of its own success. I (amongst others) had suggested that they provided a search facility & ability to check 'new posts' since last login(they had withdrawn this functionality due as it was gobbling up resources) for an additional charge - leaving the board otherwise open to all. They didnt go that route - and just logging on to it is difficult these days.
Is it actually even working anymore? I tried logging in the other day and it kept timing out or something, and now there's no response from the site
I've heard that they've got new hardware on the way.. but to be honest I find it a bit too broad these days.. Too many forums covering too many topics
I would have thought that this thread would have been more appropriately posted up on :rolleyes: