All Men must Read!!



I will probably be axed for asking this but in a way it is related to I am broke.

My partner is 30 next month and I really want to do something special for him. I was hoping to have a big birthday bash in our house with all his friends but as his close friend recently died, I don’t think he is in the mood for parties or then again, maybe he is????

So all you men out there-whatever age you are-let me know your present ideas on what you would love for your birthday....keep it clean ;-)

Should I go with the party??

Thank you in advance.
Hi I like the Mondello suggestion-thank you.

I did mention a party and his response was "I am not in the mood for celebrating but maybe later I would like one"

Ye men are as difficult to work out as us women ;-)
I did mention a party and his response was "I am not in the mood for celebrating but maybe later I would like one"

In light of the sad death it might be better to run any arrangements by him. Get him to elaborate on the 'later' aspect and maybe a meal for 2 might be his preferred option until then.
mondello sounds good, but make a date in summer and have a BarBQ / party then.... call it his 29 and 3/2 party!
a date in the summer is a non starter i reckon - your birthday is your birthday and any celebrations a week later or 2 months later just doesn't work in my opinion. the most sensible way to sort this out is talk to him and ask him what he wants.
I've done the Mondello thing, it's great fun, especially if you're into cars/driving. One thing I would say though is that it's much more fun if you do it with a friend or group of friends !
I'm going to try to keep this as clean as possible. Take him out for a meal then bring him lapdancing.

I'm sure most men here wouldn't have a problem with that.
have a hot bath ready for him as soon as he gets in the door, dont let him into the kitchen/diner. tell him to get relaxed and scrubbed, bring him up a nice cold glass of wine or beer, tell him to put his dressing gown on when he is finished and come down stairs. have a nice big steak ready with all the trimmings and a good bottle of red and a little candle. have some nice expensive icecream for pudding, watch a good dvd and the rest you can decide on. well that's what i would do if i could get rid of the kids for long enough !
I did mention a party and his response was "I am not in the mood for celebrating butmaybe later I would like one"

Read between the lines "later he would like one"
anyone else "would like one later".