Did nobody else see Charlie up the Amazon?


Registered User
I waited and waited last week, hoping that someone else would start an uncharitable post about Charlie's trip tracing the course of the Amazon so that I could chime in. Have ye all resolved to be less bitter and twisted for the New Year or was I the only sneering, sniggering viewer? :)

Charlie's escapades provided the most cringe-tastic telly I have seen in years. First we nearly had him keel over scaling the mountain to reach it's source; he was "knackered", "scared", "tired" etc. Then we had him whinging about the cold, the 13-hour mini-bus journey, the mossies, his dickie tum, the "conditions" in a hostel somewhere in the middle of nowhere, the worry about pirahnas/annacondas/creepy crawlies. He had his various guides driven around the bend with his cribbing and crying. I'd have fed him to the fresh water dolphins after a couple of days.

As for the reporting side of things; pathetic. Barely a word of awe or appreciation at one of the world's natural wonders. The closest it came to it was when he saw a toucan and it reminded him of Guiness, or when poor old Carlos tried to relieve his upset tummy with a natural herbal cure (which he also drank) and Charlie told the camera how he "was trusting his life to Carlos". He also shouted for a guide to get rid of an insect that had flown into his tent at night. Huge chunks of the river were glossed (or indeed flown) over and it was a real shame and missed opportunity.

I was fairly ambivalent in my views of Charlie Bird before this but now I understand all the jibes that are made about his egotism. He came across as a spoilt (if hilarious) pup.

I found it really amusing.
What was he expecting when he decided to do the programme, five star luxury?
He was such a moaning minnie it was actually funny.
I heard a radio interview with him the other day where he was talking about the trip and describing at length his horrible experience with altitude sickness. He was describing how practically everyone on the trip, including, I think, one of the guides also suffered from this altitude sickness, and went on to say how, surprisingly, it was the only woman on the trip who didn't succumb. I thought, but why is that surprising, is it because you are a chauvinistic idiot who thinks women are the weaker sex? :rolleyes:

Anyway, having heard the interview which also described at length how the jeep broke down, and they had to, gasp, horror, walk back to the camp, I had no interest in seeing the program.
Iwent on to say how, surprisingly, it was the only woman on the trip who didn't succumb. I thought, but why is that surprising, is it because you are a chauvinistic idiot who thinks women are the weaker sex? :rolleyes:
Yeah - I heard that too and it was very odd the way he expressed his surprise that your woman was fine and didn't succumb to altitude sickness alright.
I heard a radio interview with him the other day where he was talking about the trip and describing at length his horrible experience with altitude sickness. He was describing how practically everyone on the trip, including, I think, one of the guides also suffered from this altitude sickness, and went on to say how, surprisingly, it was the only woman on the trip who didn't succumb. I thought, but why is that surprising, is it because you are a chauvinistic idiot who thinks women are the weaker sex? :rolleyes:

Anyway, having heard the interview which also described at length how the jeep broke down, and they had to, gasp, horror, walk back to the camp, I had no interest in seeing the program.

The concept of the journey was interesting but Charlie was a wuss. I enjoyed the moments when he wasn't moaning. I wouldn't wish to be his travel buddy tho.
Charlie was a wuss

Never! ;)

What did people think of his schoolboy antics at the underwear stall? I thought he was going to get an apocalyptic fit! At another stage, there was a wonderful film clip of a sloth(?)) and all Charlie could tell us was that he was stinking - "if only you could smell me now". This has to be the must-see TV programme of the year!

I nearly broke my sides laughing at the whole crotchless panties debacle. The bloody eejit had to have it spelled out for him and even then laughed as if it was the stallholder that was mental and not him!

He was more excited about the Opera house he visited than anything else, which would be grand but only begs the quesion once again; What the hell was he or anyone who knew him thinking in letting him go there!

And then there was the whole "Charlie Scrubs Up Nicely" scene. Oh my goodness, I'm having nightmares about his wrinkly little chest since (I would do the birdlike thing but I won't!) - and him thinking he was dead fit. It's a wonder that bit even got in because there I'd say he's a bit of a control freak.

I hope it will be repeated because I really wish more people I knew could have seen it. It wouldn't have been any more crazy than iif Ricky Gervais did a mockumentary.

It was pathetic. I wish RTE would send him on a one way ticket far away and save the fortune he probably costs the licence payers.