Electric Toothbrush


Registered User
On the last two occasions I flew i brought my electric tootbrush and on each occasion they "died". I cannot recharge them either so they are useless. Does the x-ray process cause this?
so they just go plain dead out from the pack?

have u tried change the battery inside?
On the last two occasions I flew i brought my electric tootbrush and on each occasion they "died". I cannot recharge them either so they are useless. Does the x-ray process cause this?

Mine has survived numerous flights! Do you mean that when you try to recharge it after the flight that it won't do so? I'd check back with the manufacturer.
I was thinking of getting one for Christmas. Are they any good? Any recommendations. Do they really clean your teeth better?
i have the same problem. no idea why it happens . could be the electrics on the plane or something. i can reuse mine though. take out the batteries b4 u go and they shud b ok
I absolutely love my electric toothbrush! In my opinion one of the simple pleasures in life is to run your tongue across really clean teeth. I'm using a Phillips at the moment, the one with the bigger brush which I find cleans between my teeth better than the smaller circular brush. I'm thinking of getting a sonic one, I'm told they feel weird, but are very effective, any views? I've travelled with mine many, many times without any problems.
Have to agree, an electric toothbrush gives you just out of the dentist clean. It took me a while to get used to the idea but once I got one, I couldn't go back.

I use a "Vitality", can't remember the brand, it's at the cheaper end of the market, around €20 but very often found in a half price sale. I've used more expensive ones in the past but this works for me.
I've never had that problem on flights.

It probably hits off something and uses all the power sitting in the overhead compartment.

Try putting it in a solid box/ wrap it in padded material.
Luggage in the hold gets very cold at 30,000 feet espeically if long haul, and cold is bad for battery life.
That's happened me a couple of times, I think it gets switched on at some point and uses the battery.

Very frustrating landing, getting to your hotel and then realising there's no power!