My ISP is Indigo....but who am I paying?



I've been with Indigo for years, probably 10-ish.

I used to get a bill from them at the end of every year and would pay them by credit card.

I know (I think??) they were taken over a few years ago....remind me: who owns them now?? Is it Eircom?

Any way, I haven't got a bill from them in years, am I paying them? Who am I paying? If it's Eircom is the annual subscription just added to my phone bill (I never check it so I don't know if the charge has been in there the last few years).

Help! Thanks.
your paying for a dial up service ,each time you log onto the net ,(when the computer makes those funny noises )you are charged by time .i think its quite low in off peak but you should really get broadband which charges you a flat fee for connection to the net ,your always connected ,no time restrictions,cost restrictions,check your bill first and the indigo number should be on it if its itemised ,then you can see how mush your being charged.
your paying for a dial up service ,each time you log onto the net ,(when the computer makes those funny noises )you are charged by time .i think its quite low in off peak but you should really get broadband which charges you a flat fee for connection to the net ,your always connected ,no time restrictions,cost restrictions,check your bill first and the indigo number should be on it if its itemised ,then you can see how mush your being charged.

Thanks for replying. I should have been clearer - I have broadband now (BT), but still use an Indigo email address (not one of the free ones). Daft and all as this am I paying for that? I used to pay an annual subscription to Indigo (around £100) and even before changing to broadband the bills stopped coming from them, which made me think it was Eircom (or whoever bought them) I was paying on a phone bill. Puzzled!
I used to use indigo dial-up but when I switched to Eircom BB I just requested to keep my Indigo email account and they stopped billing me, it is now supported through Eircom Net mail servers, though still accessible using the indigo name.

The DNS for indigo all points to servers.
Yeah Eircom now own what used to be Indigo, if you experience any issues with your Indigo account its support is all handled by Eircom now for password resets etc.
