Painting a feature wall


Registered User
Any advice on painting a feature wall...i.e. one wall a different colour from all the other walls in the bedroom? Tips especially on the best way to cut in from one colour to the other.....

also,any tips on a way to cover the first finished wall so that there is no tiny droplets from the roller when doing the second colour? Obviously I could uze masking tape and say newspaper but I have a fear that this would rip off some of the emulsion of the finished wall??
Fully paint in the lighter colour first, allowing it to "flash over" onto the adjoining wall, at the corner. Then carefully cut in with the stronger colour using a 2" brush. Carefully load the paint roller and work gently with it to apply the colour. if you wish you can use a sheet of stout card to "mask" the adjacent wall, moving the card as the work progresses.
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Fully paint in the lighter colour first, allowing it to "flash over" onto the adjoining wall, at the corner. Then carefully cut in with the stringer colour using a 2" brush. Carefully lead the paint roller and work gently with it to apply the colour. Even you wish you can use a sheet of stout card to "mask" the adjacent wall, moving the card as the work progresses.

Are you on the beer already this morning carpenter???!!!!! "stringer colour" - "lead the paint roller" - "Even you wish"