Planning Query - F.I. Received


Registered User
We recently received a request for Further Information (FI) which included the following request:

Erect 2 poles/staffs for each gable end to indicate maximum finished roof height of the finished structure.

We have situated our 2 storey house wll back in the site and behind a mound - we believe this request is to allow the planner assess what the visual impact will be from the road. The house ridge is currently 10.2 metres above ground level.

Has anyone experience of a similar request and how did You go about erecting this pole/staff.

Any feedback appreciated.
Common enough in Kerry and it puts back your planning application to the date of the enquiry. are you in a scenic location or a one off house
Yes very common in Kerry- whoever is doing your planning application for you should be able to organise haviing the poles erected.
Hi there since youvdealt with further information requests would you have a look at this fo me and give me an opinionHi All

Now my problem is that we have got a further information request - but we were expecting this because the engineer put in the planning app so that the obvious would be looked for - because we are in a scenic area however we have a problem with rock we only have 2 foot of soil aswell as this we are exposed. We are building a trad style house because we thought this may be easier to get planning for on this lovely site and of course we like it also.
However I requested another meeting with the planner to discuss all the further info and to make sure he knows we are not speculators (we farm in the area but the land is landlocked). But got a very long letter back saying he cant meet us - hes to busy. Meanwhile we have spent 6000 almost on the planning because of problems with the site (which we are buying subject to planning) I havent replied to the letter - What should we do any suggestions greatly appreciated
This is in the mid lands.

Thanks for replying
I really was wondering to be brief! Is there anything we can do since the planner is unable to meet us to discuss the further info - the further info was about design(we can fix that) then there was a big thing about the type of treatment system (septic tank not suitable it says) so I assume then we have to go with a systen and our eng has a deal going with one of the firms so they will do a test and certify a suitable system ( Will that be ok? In your opinion/experience) Then the bit I really didnt like a couple of lines about speculative development in this area is not acceptable and residential development is not encouraged (I dont have the letter to hand now but thats the jist).
The last day we met the eng on site he told us he didnt know what the planners had against our area but development isnt encouraged ( hinting we may not get planning). I didnt like this, at our pre planning (with planner) or other mettings with the eng we got no inclination of this at all.
Now since I cant meet the planner because of letter he too busy, to sweet talk him, and the engineer is negative Im very worried this is what I looking for help with has anybody been in this spot before any ideas??

(I appologise I did post this before but I hadnt seen this thread)

while some pre planning meetings may be helpful they are not binding and the planner may change there mind for whatever reason, They dont have as much value as some people think. In some cases they just highlight problems at an early stage and actually be a hinderance.
What have you spent the 6000 on so far when you dont own the site?
Get in touch with your local councillor and ask him/her to set up a meeting with the planner to discuss the matters that were raised in the F.I.

I know the planners will be snowed under (pardon the pun) in the run up to Xmas but you should be able to get an appointment early in the new year. A couple of weeks waiting will save you months of headaches further down the road.
Sorry for highjacking with my rant

Do what my 'new' neighbour did

Get a former planner to do you plans, who happens to be engaged to a current planner, who also happed to be the person doing the preplanning meeting.

Result: Initial Planning granted at 7 weeks, no percolution test done and no treatment system needed

This despite the fact we had our planning sent back twice for FI, and had to get a treatment system..

load of bo**ix
"The last day we met the eng on site he told us he didnt know what the planners had against our area but development isnt encouraged ( hinting we may not get planning). I didnt like this, at our pre planning (with planner) or other mettings with the eng we got no inclination of this at all."

Unfortunately, even though the planner might not have a problem with it, does not mean that other departments within the council won't. Planning applications have to be signed off by roads dept., environment etc. and communications within local government are absolutley desperate.