New Baby


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I have a 13 month old and a two week old. Any suggestions on how to get the 13 month old to sleep through the night. No drug/chemical solutions please.
Friend swears by a book called 'The Contented Baby'. I think you may have needed to start before now but she wouldn't be without it. Tough love to start but they have a very happy and secure little girl.
congratulations on the new arrival. older child may become jealous of all the attention baby gets as you know.

don't go with anything too strict that may do more harm than good. i love the book "toddler taming" by Dr christopher Green. It's a brilliant laugh and you learn a lot. there is a whole chapter on sleep problems.

I have always found that they sleep best when they are warm ( fleece sleepsuit),
well fed ( carbohydrate pasta for tea) have had fresh air, not too many drinks so wet nappy wont make them uncomfortable enough to wake.

mine only ever wander around the house in winter when they have not had enough fresh air to knock them out and wake up cold. Some use the "controlled crying technique" but I think that is not for everyone.
best of luck is a really good parenting website too

congrats on ur new baby and best of luck with the sleeping ! i know how hard it is !!!
nelsons teetha is a homeopatic powder that is supposed to help.

i used to get teethex, which is calpol with something to promote sleep. Whatever you give baby, give twice to yourself and at least one of you wil lhave a good sleep !!! (only joking)
I was in the same boat myself this time last year. Is the one year old getting a long nap during the day? I would try to limit the amount of sleep he/she gets in the day, I know its hell when the are narky, but they may just adjust to it after a couple of days and go to bed earlier. I also used to go on nightly "walks" with the 1 year old, just around the block to tire them out, in this weather maybe a long walk around the shops would do the trick. Failing that a long drive in the evening
Have you noticed that when you've had a bad run of sleepless nights and you are at the end of your tether the baby sleeps through only to go back to their old pattern after a few days. This happened to me through 3 children then it finally dawned, Junior was't necessarily sleeping through the night, I was just too exhausted to hear. (confirmed with spouse who hears baby, thinks I'm going to deal with it and goes back to sleep again) Once I figured this out it was tough love. Ignore for a couple of nights, thats it, never wakes up again. (Obviously don't do this if the child is sick/under the weather)