Spyware problems...I need advice



Hi All,

We have broadband and have recently encountered problems...

1.Message coming up saying Windows has detected a problem, click here to download the latest Spyware protection. This keeps popping up.

2. Background (wallpaper I think it's called) has been replaced with a blue screen again warning about a Spyware threat detected etc. etc.

I've run Crap cleaner but to no avail....I'm not I.T. orientated so any suggestions as to how to get rid of this would be appreciated (I do have some McAfee protection by the way)


Hi r2d2,
like yourself about 2 weeks ago I had the same problem. I'm really green about this kinda stuff and all the warnings looked like it was coming from Microsoft, which it wasn't!!. Well I ran all the scans I could from the microsoft site, they did detect the problems but didn't remove them. In the end I had a Trojan Virus!!!! SPYBOT saved my PC and my mind!!
It removed everything
Best a luck!
... (I do have some McAfee protection by the way)

Does this mean you have an old version of McAfee? Virus creaters are so inventive these days that if you don't have up to date anti virus then your machine is at risk. That's always worth keeping in mind!
Runner, Evelynn, Shnaek...

I finally got rid of it all using SpyBot.....

Thanks for the help and advice !

keep that mcafee and the spybot up to date. You were lucky!!
Install more than one malware package , and run frequently.

I connected a friend to NTL recently, and by the time I had E-Trust, Trojan Remover on and updated,he had picked up 14 adware/trojans/viruses !!!
Try AVG anti virus and anti-spyware

Hi, try AVG anti virus and anti spyware. They have very good free programs (go to the bottom of the main page with products which are priced and you'll see the free ones. They update daily and are very widely used.
Best of luck
Free AVG are rubbish.If its that good why is it free?You gets what you pay for in this world people. Why pay for BB and skimp on Anti-Virus......the mind boggles.Even the most expensive all singing all dancing Anti-Virus costs less than 2 euro a week.Don't spoil the ship for a ha-port of tar is my motto.
I got this problem and it is solved now. I had Norton Antivirus and that's why I couldn't get rid off that. Now I have SPY DOCTOR (you can get it for free if you look for it) and it is perfect. Whatever you do, don't download anything from the window that keeps popping up. That's the virus itself. And, ALWAYS, have a back up of docs, etc!!!
Some people consider this product to be a rogue see here.

Personally I would stick with spybot, microsoft windows defender and the lavasoft product (Adaware) as recomended in the key post above.
I was told by IT that I had to format my pc, and that was nothing I could do. I was going to loose my data, and well, it worked for me....

Could you point to the link where where you down loaded this anti spyware product? Did you pay for it? Is it called "Spy Doctor" or perhaps its "Spyware Doctor" or some other variation?

It is entirely possible that this product is as brilliant as you say but Im afraid Im sceptical when it comes to loading any program on my pc.
