Problem connecting to Wireless Network after moving router


Registered User
Hi All,

I have had a wireless network setup in a room at home for nearly two years now. Two nights ago I was moving furniture and had to move my cable modem and wireless router along with everything else. It basically moved about four feet across the room.
After moving this I could still connect from my laptop but after 5-10 minutes the connection would drop and I couldn't repair the connection (ipconfig /renew)!

Last night...a new symptom. I can clearly see the network there (at full strength) but no connection now at all. Using a friends laptop I could happily connect and get outside. I also verified that there is no issue with the network card as I quickly connected to an unsecured network from one of my neighbours. I should stress that I didn't use it...just checked I could connect and see the outside world :)

So...I'm a bit stumped. This behaviour has only manifested itself since I did the move. And...I've now discovered that while before the network was fully encrpted (WPA) it is now an 'unsecure' network. How has this occured since I moved the hardware??

Am an IT guy...but not much experience with wireless hardware...all advice appreciated.
Last night...a new symptom. I can clearly see the network there (at full strength) but no connection now at all. Using a friends laptop I could happily connect and get outside.
Maybe you inadvertently reset the router config so that you friend's laptop can connect with no credentials but yours being configured for WPA cannot? Have you tried running NetStumbler to see what it reports? Or even just the Windows View available wireless networks (?) option.

Have you tried connecting to your router using an ethernet cable and looking at the administrative interface (e.g. often
Maybe you inadvertently reset the router config so that you friend's laptop can connect with no credentials but yours being configured for WPA cannot? Have you tried running NetStumbler to see what it reports? Or even just the Windows View available wireless networks (?) option.

Have you tried connecting to your router using an ethernet cable and looking at the administrative interface (e.g. often

Have tried neither but will be trying the ethernet cable option with the console when I get home...just wondered how I had reset anything!!?