I think I bought a fake bag on ebay!



(Hope my girlfriend doesn't see this!!)

I bought a Gucci handbag on ebay for my girlfriend, it cost me about 220euro, the seller had a >300 positive rating.

It arrived yesterday and on first examination it seemed fine, but since I'm not an expert on handbags, I did some googling and found links such as [broken link removed]. I now think the bag is fake. The link mentioned shows photos of both authentic and fake bags and it is very hard to tell the difference, mostly I just don't think the leather feels right or that the manufacture is as 'crisp' as you'd expect from a luxury product.

The problem is I would still like to give the bag to my girlfriend, as its still pretty good, and I know she's not the type who is fixated on things being real. However, I don't want to fork out 220 euro for a fake bag, my question is do you think if I told the seller I think the bag is fake they would be willing to refund me part of the price? I bought the bag in good faith assuming it was real, the photos looked good (not stock) and the sellers feedback was good. I don't want to be seen as a 'scammer' looking for a cheap bag, I wanted a real bag (albeit for a bargain price), but I am willingly to accept a good-quality fake bag but not at a rip-off price.

any opinions?

(the bag came with dust bag, contrallato card, etc., oh and its not a christmas present its just a gift!)
its probably one of those high class fakes
as im sure you would pay alot more than 220 for a real one.
If its still in season go into Brown Thomas/house of fraser and compare the two. you can sometimes tell from the logo inside the bag and the zips etc.. Also the dustbag it came in can be a way to check. If its a fake id send it back to the seller for a refund as 220 is a lot of money and you could get your girlfriend a different handbag? Also, the Brown Thomas sale starts after xmas and you could get a discounted real one then if you dont want to pay the full price??
Gucci Handbags start at around £350 for the cheapest. I bought a "genuine" prada from Ebay, I knew I wasnt actually getting a genuine prada nag ( not for the €110 I paid for it) but I knew it would be a good quality fake.

if you want the genuine article, be prepared to pay at least €500
Saw a report on Watchdog last week about Ebay sellers with good ratings selling fake good. Apparently despite complaints to Ebay, they are still selling the stuff.
Did the eBay seller claim the bag was genuine?

Yes it was listed as genuine/authentic.

I bought a "genuine" prada from Ebay, I knew I wasnt actually getting a genuine prada nag ( not for the €110 I paid for it) but I knew it would be a good quality fake.

Although I didn't know i was getting a fake, I knew it was a distinct possibility, and I was prepared to take the risk. I watched loads of auctions for about a fortnight, and thought this might be the real thing. But as you said it is a good fake, its just I don't feel like paying €220 for a fake!

if you want the genuine article, be prepared to pay at least €500

That is if you are buying it from a mainstream stockist, the whole point about Ebay obviously is too beat this price. With this item, I was hoping that it was for example an unwanted gift/out of fashion/factory reject etc therefore real but a bargain.

I'm going to contact the seller with my concerns and see what they say.
Im in the same boat - bought 3 chloe bags for xmas presents. Seller told me they were genuine also.
Im in the same boat - bought 3 chloe bags for xmas presents. Seller told me they were genuine also.

Have you complained?

Are you going to give the bags anyway? (depends if the recipients care about these things I guess!)
quote=RMcG;317993]Have you complained?

Are you going to give the bags anyway? (depends if the recipients care about these things I guess!)

Ebay sent me an email this morning to say that the seller was struck off.
I only paid €280 for 3 of them so i was expecting them to be fake. Doubt the people i will give them to will notice the difference. They're god quality. Cant see anybody noticing they are fake. The only reason i know is because of the amount of money i paid for them. All tags and dustbag etc are exactly as it would be on the real thing.
If the seller misled you make sure to leave negative feedback to warn others, provided you can confirm the bag is actually a fake. I'd ask the seller for a refund also and return the bag.
If the seller misled you make sure to leave negative feedback to warn others, provided you can confirm the bag is actually a fake. I'd ask the seller for a refund also and return the bag.

At the moment I haven't confirmed the bag is fake, i'll see what the seller says and post again!
Im in the same boat - bought 3 chloe bags for xmas presents. Seller told me they were genuine also.

I have to say I'm shocked that people buy these goods off eBay and believe they are genuine. Think about it. Why are they selling them so cheap if they're "genuine"? If it sounds to good to be true........
Alot of times these bags are bought in foreign countries where eventhough they are real the quality of materials are not the good. Ithink that a refund from the buyer is probably out of the question as if it is a fake they will be have to have made a big profit!
I bought a "genuine" prada from Ebay, I knew I wasnt actually getting a genuine prada nag ( not for the €110 I paid for it) but I knew it would be a good quality fake.

I can't understand that ...
Do you get any pleasure in buying fakes?
Are you trying to prove something to somebody?
Why pretend you can afford to buy something you can not afford?
Are you trying to be or pretend to be somebody you are not?

:mad: and :mad:
With regard to the fake Chloe bags, surely the receipients will know that they are fake or else will be very concerned at the huge amount of money you spent on their Christmas presents ?
Its gonna be some crack if the three recipients all turn up at a get together, handbags swinging. You can always say that Chloe had a 3 for 1 deal, and you just couldnt help yourself!!!
I can't understand that ...
Do you get any pleasure in buying fakes?
Are you trying to prove something to somebody?
Why pretend you can afford to buy something you can not afford?
Are you trying to be or pretend to be somebody you are not?

Baccus in answer to your question's

Do you great pleasure in buying fakes..Not particularly, nor does it serve me any great displeasure either.

Am I trying to prove something to somebody?? sorry no idea what you mean

Why pretend you can afford to buy something that you can not afford. Don't know where you got this assumptions from, I bought a fake bag, had never pretended it was anything but a fake bag.

Baccus, you have no idea under what premise, for what purpose or reason I bought the fake bag.

I don't need to pretend to be anyone or someone. I could have my belongings in any one of a number of handbags I own ,ranging from Designer to Dunnes. Doesn't mean a jig to mean what kind of assumptions people make of me because of the handbag I'm carrying.

Im quite amused by why your so distressed by this.
I think it's more concern that people like you finance organised crime and terrorism, child labour etc. by your lack of concern as to where these items come from and where the money goes to - same applies to buying fake DVDs etc.
I think it's more concern that people like you finance organised crime and terrorism, child labour etc. by your lack of concern as to where these items come from and where the money goes to - same applies to buying fake DVDs etc]

The same could therefore be said of all consumers who purchase from the likes of :

Nike, Reebok, Coca Cola, GAP , Mc Donalds ,Nestle , Shell , Mitsubishi Proctor and Gamble to name but a small few who have all in the past been accused of using child labour, and indulging in Illegal and unethical and corrupt work practices.