should aer lingus still be charging fuel surcharge?


Registered User
what do people think?we're flying in feb and had to pay €140 between two of us. but with oil prices dropping so much surely this should change? maybe i'll have to ring joe duffy:D
Would it be not worth checking out other carriers to your destination or nearby who may not be charging a fuel surcharge? Eg. use ryanair and use the €140 for car hire/taxi to get you where you want to go? I know this is not always practical but there are choices to most destinations albeit with a possible stopover.
According to Michael O'Leary on RTE news tonight, Aer Lingus shouldn't be charging a fuel surcharge. Could that be a touch of "the pot calling the kettle black"? He said that at a meeting in London when he also conceded that Ryanair wouldn't be taking over Aer Lingus (in the near future anyhow) with only about 481/2 % of the company. He also said that he (they) would remain constructive shareholders - or words to that effect.
Touche - I left myself open to that. I'm well aware that Ryanair hasn't applied fuel surcharges. I meant Ryanair using other methods of extracting money such as charging sterling prices for on board sales when flying out of Dublin. Maybe they've stopped that. I have nothing against Ryanair and fully appreciate how they brought down prices but, given a choice, I'd still prefer to fly Aer Lingus - inexplicable bias;).
Would it be not worth checking out other carriers to your destination or nearby who may not be charging a fuel surcharge? Eg. use ryanair and use the €140 for car hire/taxi to get you where you want to go? I know this is not always practical but there are choices to most destinations albeit with a possible stopover.

The Fuel surcharge is only on the longhaul routes so you cannot do the ryanair option. Most of the carriers on these routes have the surcharges.

All the arilines say that they retain the surchages because even though fuel has dropped in price recently, it is still more expensive than it used to be.
Personally I think that the fuel surcharge thing is a bit dishonest. It would be far better build it into the price and then acccording as fuel rises/falls the fare should rise and fall. The airlines need to face up to the idea that the days of $20 oil are gone and they should recalculate their fares based on this reality.
Aer Lingus seems to be getting a lot of stick about this as other airlines reduce their surcharges. I enjoy hte style of reporting i.e. Air France reduce by 5%, KLM by 8% etc. completely ignoring what the charges were to begin with.
If you flew to US with Lufthansa your surcharge would be €248, now reduced to €208.
Virgin €210 now €180 but would probably be higher after conversion charges.
Air France €248 after reduction!!!
BA €258

Seems to me that Air Lingus was one of the cheapest around to begin with. Personally I dislike all surcharges on airline prices whether it be wheelchair charge, security charge, handling charge, auto check in charge. They should really quote the total price to begin with.
It's a wonder Aer Lingus have to charge a surcharge at all. Surely they took out options and futures and as a result any loss in the cash market would be offset by a gain in the futures market and visa versa.
british airways and virgin are in trouble with the british authorities over 'price fixing' the fuel surcharge. interesting too how a/l only charge it on long haul flights. dont suppose that has anything to do with no real competition?
Seems to me that Air Lingus was one of the cheapest around to begin with. Personally I dislike all surcharges on airline prices whether it be wheelchair charge, security charge, handling charge, auto check in charge. They should really quote the total price to begin with.
Perhaps, but on the other hand the final price for the tickets quoted by airlines on their website booking engines is inclusive of all those charges. So you can see what the final price is before you click 'accept'.
The only airline that slaps on hidden extras at the airport is (you guessed it) Ryanair!
The only airline that slaps on hidden extras at the airport is (you guessed it) Ryanair!

I've flown may times with Ryanair. Never once have I had hidden extras slapped on at the airport. Have I been lucky? No, I've just made the booking correctly.