Ryanair introduce in-flight gambling

It's bad enought that they wake you up every 5 minutes advertising scratchcards!
Can't be too long now before a new pricing paradigm is introduced by Ryanair where they will pay you to fly with them in the hope of selling you ancillary services...

Do they fly any routes long enough to allow you to get a kip?

We flew to Reus with them last week. It was my first experience of RyanAir. The flight took over two hours and as it was early morning I would have liked to sleep. The problem was that all their seats are locked in the upright position! I dread to think what a long haul flight would be like.
The problem was that all their seats are locked in the upright position!
Probably saves time with take off and landing. It never ceases to amaze me how many passengers seem to need cabin crew to remind them again and again about seats, seatbelts, seat trays etc.
Probably saves time with take off and landing. It never ceases to amaze me how many passengers seem to need cabin crew to remind them again and again about seats, seatbelts, seat trays etc.

Speaking of which, on the return flight the steward actually wagged his finger at a passenger and told him to pay attention while he was going through the safety routine! He was hilarious. :D

They certainly save time wherever possible, as we approached the airport staff went around with a plastic bag to collect our rubbish. There are no magazine holders on the back of seats so people can't dump sweet papers in them. I thought that was a good idea.
This article is from a year ago. I know they have signed up to allow people play bingo on their website (Why would you want to?) but as far as I know they are not introducing inflight gambling (yet) apart from the very annoying sale of scratchcards as mentioned above.

Yes they are-saw a news report on ITV yesterday-O'Leary interviewed-he is very keen on fare free flights.
Still maybe its just a Pilot scheme:D
Would be amazed if it takes off!! :D

25 to 30 years ago, in the era when some houses in the country were changing hands for 15 to 20 thousand pounds, and flights to England with Aer Lingus were £ 200.... say between one and 2 per cent of the value of a house ..... nobody would have predicted an enterpreneurial firm like Ryanair selling tens of thousands of flights for one cent or one euro or whatever....and still making a far healthier return to their shareholders than Aer Lingus ever did to the Irish taxpayer.
25 to 30 years ago, in the era when some houses in the country were changing hands for 15 to 20 thousand pounds, and flights to England with Aer Lingus were £ 200.... say between one and 2 per cent of the value of a house ..... nobody would have predicted an enterpreneurial firm like Ryanair selling tens of thousands of flights for one cent or one euro or whatever....and still making a far healthier return to their shareholders than Aer Lingus ever did to the Irish taxpayer.

Ah yes indeed-£200 to London -I remember it well-there was a wonderful cartel going on with Aer Lingus/BA at the time-and it was take it or leave it.
The only other option was a boat/train via Holyhead-which was cheaper but about 12 hours in total if memory serves.
The good old days:)
around 1986 I was quoted some astronomical fare for two adults and a child aged 2to london. ( hospital visit so I know the year) british midland out of belfast was around £48 per adult and children under 3 were free as it was an internal flight. I dont recall the a/l fares but I do recall that it was over double the bm fare for the adults alone and also the condescending tone of the travel agent when I enquired about the cost of the flights ie something like ' the fares to london are £xxxxxxxx, £xxxxxx £xxxxxx £xxxxx £xxxxx - depending on the class and time of the flight' at least now we have at least 2 thing s to be grateful for 1) ryanair and choice and 2) the internet.
around 1986 I was quoted some astronomical fare for two adults and a child aged 2to london. ( hospital visit so I know the year) british midland out of belfast was around £48 per adult and children under 3 were free as it was an internal flight. I dont recall the a/l fares but I do recall that it was over double the bm fare for the adults alone and also the condescending tone of the travel agent when I enquired about the cost of the flights ie something like ' the fares to london are £xxxxxxxx, £xxxxxx £xxxxxx £xxxxx £xxxxx - depending on the class and time of the flight' at least now we have at least 2 thing s to be grateful for 1) ryanair and choice and 2) the internet.
condescending tone of the travel agent ....Well you'd never hear the like of that from O'Leary ..... oh, sorry, yes you would.

Anyhow, I'm all for choice.Thank god for change, eh? Thats progress. I'm sure you support choice too, eh?

I guess that means we are both against Ryanair becoming the private monopoly in Irish air transport then!
A lot of people would rather walk or swim than be forced to fly cattle class. They deserve a choice too.
Don't you agree?
condescending tone of the travel agent ....Well you'd never hear the like of that from O'Leary ..... oh, sorry, yes you would.

If anything, people were not condescending enough to the unions / Air Lingus monopoly of old. We should, as taxpayers , and shareholders, and farepayers, have demanded and got more. Then again, even now when you look at salaries and electricity prices in places like the ESB for example....

When Michael O'Leary is offering 10,000 flights for one cent each, or similar offers which he often does, he can talk in whatever tone he likes. I always found his tone very agreeable and realististic, awake to the real world. Give me his tone any day compared to the travel agents / Aer Lingus who charged 200 pounds a ticket.
Anyway, O'Leary is down to earth, not like the unions and many Aer Lingus hob nobs of old. A friend of mine met O'Leary who was physically helping people check in to a Ryanair flight, before he himself ( O'Leary ) caught the same flight to England and who took out his own paperwork to do on the flight.
... he can talk in whatever tone he likes. I always found his tone very agreeable.....
Well ya know, some people actually pay to be abused verbally and physically - thats how they get their kicks. Each to his own I guess.
Did you go to an English Public School rabbit?
Well ya know, some people actually pay to be abused verbally and physically - thats how they get their kicks. Each to his own I guess.

Sure. I never would pay be be abused verbally or physically. The nearest I was abused was being forced to pay 200 pounds to Air Lingus in order to fly to England in the eighties, when money was money and damn hard earned. I suppose if you want to talk about abuse, you could say the unions and Air Lingus abused the general public then, their farepayers and shareholders.

Did you go to an English Public School rabbit?
No. Did you ?