How to trace landlord


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A colleague of mine is having trouble with tenants in a neighboring house, loud music,gangs coming and going etc. He has reported tenants to the Guards but would also like to inform the landlord of the trouble they are causing in the hope a word form him/her would quieten them a little.

Q. As he doesn't know who the landlord is how would he make contact with him/her. This is not a property management area.
Search the Land Registry/Registry of Deeds records for the recorded owner of the property maybe?
I have a similar problem and contacted the PRTB about it, since they have a register of all tenancies. Or should. They replied that they would 'consider' releasing landlord contact details if the evidence of antisocial behaviour I forwarded was sufficient. Not exactly helpful since there don't appear to be any guidelines on exactly how much antisocial behaviour falls under the 'grit teeth and bear it' category but at least the option is there in theory.
I think you have to pay a fee before they'll allow you access to the site. Is that correct?
I don't think that you can do the search online. You would need to contact the Land Registry/Registry of Deeds directly. And they do charge a fee for such searches. The details should be on their website.
Where do they get the details? PRTB or something? It's always possible that the landlord has not registered even though it's mandatory.
Thought Thom's was gone now? Read a good while back that it wasn't financially viable to produce it anymore.
I don't think the current residents are the owners, no for sale sign and quick turn around from old tenants to this mob. I will suggest to my colleague to write to the PRTB, assuming the landlord is registered but as stated they may not release the name...

Does anyone think revenue would release the name? surely in this day he/she would be registered with them!
Where do they get the details? PRTB or something? It's always possible that the landlord has not registered even though it's mandatory.

Don't know where they get the details. Land registry maybe? It has been going for a long time (100 yrs+?) so it is well established.
I doubt that the Land Registry records the status (owner occupier or landlord) of a property owner.
Does anyone think revenue would release the name?
surely in this day he/she would be registered with them!
All landlords should be registered with the PRTB. Unless there are tax issues arising (quite likely but not impossible that there are none) Revenue don't need to know anything necessarily. I'm not sure if/when the PRTB will divulge registered information about individual landlords.
the PRTB website only gives the name of the Landlord....maybe you could ask around and see if any of the other neighbours knows him
Ah - I see. Same as Land Registry so.

Well it is the same information that is available. However sometimes certain (or different) sources are better for availing of certain info.

Thom's can be perused free of charge IF it is available in your local library.

Land Registry charges a fee for searches and there may also be a long time wait for the info.

I guess you would choose one source over the other depending on what you need the info for, when you need it and whether you are willing to pay for the info.