Ely Manor - Firhouse/Tallaght


Registered User
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone lives here and can tell me what's it like. The estate seems nice and am looking to buy in that area (and ballycullen).
Ely Manor is a lovely estate with a fantastic view of the mountains. I would highly recommend Ely over Ballycullen which is a bigger development and has alot of rented houses. Two of our friends who started out in Ballycullen have now left as they did not like the atmosphere in the estate. Only three weeks ago I read in the paper there was a riot with Garda in the estate.

Ely is a great estate for kids as my friends live their and their kids play all day on the green in the estate. Alot of nice neighbours which is important.

Good luck with your search.
Thanks Dubliner 16!!!! Just wondering if you knew in which estate the riot in ballycullen was????
I think it was called Daltree??

I sure it was a one off. Dont let it put you off buying anywhere.

Graffiti is the new problem in Rathfarnham and Knocklyon now. It makes some nice estates look like Geto's as all the walls leading into estates are spray painted now, its very hard to catch the people doing it as it is late at night.
I think the 'riot' was more about the residents protesting to a new landfill site or dump up at the back of Daletree
Hi Deirdre!

Do you know if there was any decision on using the area as a location for a land fill????? I'm guessing the value of houses would drop if that was approved....and I'm thinking of buying around there :eek:
I think the 'riot' was more about the residents protesting to a new landfill site or dump up at the back of Daletree

What I read in the newspaper was a group of Teenagers stoning a Garda car, nothing to do with a landfill. Article was in the Evening Herald.
know someone living in Ely - lovely quiet estate and not far from the 49 busstop at top of firhouse road. Better situated than Daletree etc IMHO - take note that some houses have a kitchen extension and others don't and I've seen both - big difference in that the ones with extension create a nice big kitchen which doesn't have to be joined to the livingroom to create a look of space.
sorry Dubliner16, didn't see the article, I know a few weeks ago there was a residents and local surrounding neighbours protest, was in the Echo paper,have no idea what will happen, my sister was telling me she lives in Monalea
sorry Dubliner16, didn't see the article, I know a few weeks ago there was a residents and local surrounding neighbours protest, was in the Echo paper,have no idea what will happen, my sister was telling me she lives in Monalea

No Problem Deirdre, I remember reading the article as I was in shock as never heard of that type of trouble in that area. Hopefully a once off.
Drink is the problem for teenagers these days as two expensive for them to sit in a pub, so they are on the street and obviously start trouble.
You may be referring to the neighbourhood protest that was taking place in Beechdale in Ballycullen over the summer months.

The developer (Maplewood Homes) started to build a watertank and pumphouse on the green space in Beechdale. The residents got together to protest aginst its construction. (As people had been charged extra for a house over looking the green when buying their houses, they were really annoyed that the developer had tried to deceive them).

Anyway it turned out the Maplewood did not have planning permission for the water tank and the County Council are instigating legal proceedings against the company to force it to take down what has been built.

As a resident of Beechdale, I can say that the protest had a very positive outcome, as we now know all our neighbours and that makes it a very nice place to live.

You may be referring to the neighbourhood protest that was taking place in Beechdale in Ballycullen over the summer months.

The developer (Maplewood Homes) started to build a watertank and pumphouse on the green space in Beechdale. The residents got together to protest aginst its construction. (As people had been charged extra for a house over looking the green when buying their houses, they were really annoyed that the developer had tried to deceive them).

Anyway it turned out the Maplewood did not have planning permission for the water tank and the County Council are instigating legal proceedings against the company to force it to take down what has been built.

As a resident of Beechdale, I can say that the protest had a very positive outcome, as we now know all our neighbours and that makes it a very nice place to live.


Carmel, I hope thats what it was but the Herald as I said before mentioned Teenagers stoning a Garda car. Glad to hear someone is standing up to such a big Developer like Maplewood and I hope the outcome is positive for Beechdale. I think Maplewood have made enough money out of the residents of Firhouse and Ballycullen. They now have received planning for another big development off Stocking lane in Rathfarnham. Amazing how they keep getting all this planning and the residents are ignored. People will need to buy bikes to get to work in the future because the building between Firhouse/Ballycullen/Knocklyon and now Stocking lane nobody will be able to get out of their estates as these areas were supposed to be semi-rural.

Wont affect the owners in Maplewood in their Helicoptors.

They build a creche in the development and think that helps families, why dont they build a few schools as part of their planning.
As a Beechdale resident (and formerly ferncourt), I'd HIGHLY recommend this area. My sisters live in Daletree and never heard of the 'riot'..am guessing a bit of trouble was blown out of proportion by the media.
I do however agree that the area is at its development max at the moment as new houses willl onlty contribute to the traffic problems.
If you feel strongly Dublin16, there is an Oldcourt area Action Plan whcih residents are free to make submissions to..I think the SDCC are drawing up a new one as we speak. You will find it here

look for Ballycullen/oldcourt Action plan. This is the 2000 version but they are drawing up a new one at present.
Sorry for the late reply but just seen this now. I live in Ely Manor and can say it's a lovely estate to live in. I don't have children but it is definately a good location if you have children - they play out all day together.
The only thing you might not realise is that South Dublin County Council are currently doing up a plan for the land behind Ely as this is zoned for housing. This will affect the view of the mountains but we are in the far right of the estate and will not be too badly affected because we have the GAA pitch in front of us. But the houses in the far left of the estate will have new houses built behind them. You can see the map of where the new housing will be on www.sdcc.ie - it's on the Planning page and is the plans for "West Oldcourt"- might be worth your while having a look and seeing whether the house you are looking at will be affected.
There are some new houses being built across the road from Ely Manor - might be worth your while to find out when these will be ready as you will save on the stamp duty side of things - you can see the plans for these on the sdcc website also.
Has Anyone heard of FIVEADAY Firhouse/Ballycullen

Saw a flyer at the local Spar but didn't get the number
and want to contact them organise delivery every week