Politician caught mistelling the truth shocker


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The Mahon Tribunal has called Deputy Tracey's bluff on who the leak came from with regards to Bertie.

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Does anybody take this Tribunal seriously after their "private and confidential" summons to The Irish Times editor was faxed to the front desk for all to see?
Does anybody take this Tribunal seriously after their "private and confidential" summons to The Irish Times editor was faxed to the front desk for all to see?
'Seriously' in what context?
It has done an excellent job thusfar in exposing the practices which prevailed in relation to the planning process in Dublin in the early 90's, and which in all likelihood would still prevail if Bertie hadn't set it up (admittedly, they made a total balls up of the intial terms of reference, which is why Bertie is finding himself under investigation).
In addition it has been the catalyst for many revenue investigations which have at this stage made it at worst self-financing.
As for the events with Treacy this morning, why did he start claiming he both knew the Tribunal was the source of the leaks, and that he knew the actual person behind the leaks? Was it just more pro-Bertie spin?? (you know the type, poor man, very difficult period in his life, co-operating with the tribunal he set up, and then they went off and leaked the info he gave them)
I'd take these tribunals far more seriously if I saw the transgressors being arrested, prosecuted and jailed. Until that happens, I view them as a complete waste of money.
what about Deputy Treacy's, excuse on the radio today... it was early in the morning
Somebody else echoed his original assertions about "a well known mole" on Tonight With Vincent Browne recently.
I'd take these tribunals far more seriously if I saw the transgressors being arrested, prosecuted and jailed. Until that happens, I view them as a complete waste of money.
That's not in their remit, their job is to investigate allegations of corruption, their info is then acted upon by the revenue and cab. Unfortunately, both parties cannot act until the completion of an interim report dealing with that module. The tribunal is constantly stymied in trying to investigate and report by the parties under investigation, one only has to look at yesterdays high court case which the tribunal won, the taking of that case effectively stopped the investigation of the liffeyvalley shopping centre designation for almost a year (this is always going to happen when the parties on one side, ie developers have amongst the deepest pockets in the land).
Re the money aspect, the flood/mahon tribunal is self financing at worst and there may be much more money to come, especially given recent events re Jackson Way.
For other tribunals i doubt there are many who can say that the Morris tribunal has not been a resounding success, moriarty not so much and the Dunne tribunal was a disaster.
Just listening to a rerun of the original comments on NewsTalk and the reenactment from the tribunal appearance today on Vincent Browne - great craic. :D