Union leaders and facial hair


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Do Irish union leaders have some agreement between themselves to grow facial hair? I've yet to see one without a beard or mustache, and that includes the women. When they appear on television, they always look like they've stepped straight out of 1982.

Is there a link between workers rights and facial hair?
Yes it is a requirement that they have facial hair like their idols Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. They also must all have the same accent as eachother. They need to sound like one of the people so a slightly working class accent is essential but yet they need to be taken seriously so they can't be too skangerish. Actually they do a very good job at pretending to be working class heroes considering that the three high up trade unionists I know all live in nice houses in affluent areas, have nice holiday homes in Ireland or abroad and send their kids to top South Dublin private schools.
My granny told me never to trust people with beards....they are always hiding behind something.
My granny told me never to trust people with beards....they are always hiding behind something.

I used to think that also....but then I found a website that was set up by the Irish National League of Trade Unions. It explains the myth of "hiding behind the beard":


Growing a beard requires genuine courage and determination

I love the website tagline "Growing better beards worldwide - Since 1996!". When union officials are taking a quick break from defending workers rights, they can check out features on the website menu such as beard grooming, success stories, beard questions etc.
I used to think that also....but then I found a website that was set up by the Irish National League of Trade Unions. It explains the myth of "hiding behind the beard":


I love the website tagline "Growing better beards worldwide - Since 1996!". When union officials are taking a quick break from defending workers rights, they can check out features on the website menu such as beard grooming, success stories, beard questions etc.

What about "What better test of a sense of commitment could there be than growing a beard and sticking to the decision?" That cracked me up. Growing a beard requires the decision to stop shaving. It is achieved by omission!
Blame Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels for the the whole bearded commie thing..

what's wrong with beards? I like a man with a nice beard (ie trimmed, not a wild Dubliners type thing) and once they get beyond stubble, they are soft too. Not mad on moustaches, which will be forever associated for me with sleaze, conmen, arrogance........