Current public sentiment towards the housing market?

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plenty of properties listed on page 3 of todays Indo selling for above their AMV .

Here's the article:

A black week for auctions

They're talking about how AMV's are set too far below reserve price. This has been an ongoing problem for potential purchasers who waste time attending auctions. Don't confuse it with strong auction results. This week was another washout in auction rooms.

Sadly, those buyers who hope that poor auctions will bring about more realistic AMVs will be disappointed. Even though many properties at the rostrum failed to secure even one single bid, they still are placed back on the market for figures well in excess of the original AMV
FGM Doyle - I didnt make that up - I dont write for the Indo.
just pointing it out. if it had been the other way round, I'm sure a lot of
you would have been quick to pounce.
not every piece of print that goes into the hard copy edition goes online.
and I'm not typing it up.
ok here is an update, so far 6 real bears and two half bears...
and rest are either hiding or have nothing more to show apart from their opinions.
come on out of hundreds postings on this forum only 8 bears?

still waiting on more responses, from investors who are reducing their holdings, or owners moving to rental properties.

I'd be in here but you said at the start that those who had not owned property could not be considered bears for some reason.

How about not buying because you are a bear rather than selling because you are a bear. I think there are quite a few in the "not buy" category.

/edit, perhaps it wasn't you who said it, but whoever started this "how many real bears?" sub thread did.
ok here is an update, so far 6 real bears and two half bears...
and rest are either hiding or have nothing more to show apart from their opinions.
come on out of hundreds postings on this forum only 8 bears?

still waiting on more responses, from investors who are reducing their holdings, or owners moving to rental properties.

What about people like me who would consider a crash benificial before I choose to upgrade? No point in spending €200k now when it only be €150K next year. I am holding in anticipation of prices falling.
Plaudit, like you i am fearful of buying, because i'd hate to think i spent 380,000 on a house now and its sales value in 6 months was 330, this a realistic fear?
Plaudit, like you i am fearful of buying, because i'd hate to think i spent 380,000 on a house now and its sales value in 6 months was 330, this a realistic fear?

Of course it is a genuine fear. 12 months ago ftb were afraid if they did not pay €340,000 to get their foot on the ladder they would end up six months down the road having to pay €380,000. Sentiment was that prices would continue to grow, so prices grew. The same will happen now over time as sentimet changes. It will not happen overnight, but the rising tide of debt will change how people look at property.
Off topic I know, but we ARE a net contributor to the EU and always have been...just ask our fishermen about our quota of 4% of the EU catch with 25% of the fish at our doorstep....meanwhile the farmers get handouts for keeping land in clover!!!


Maybe we make contributions in fishing but we've still got a few more years before we're helping out financially (even though we're allegedly the second richest nation in the world :rolleyes: ).

Bertie is pencilling in 2012/2013 before we reach that stage.

In December last year European Council reached agreement on the Financial Perspectives for the EU for the years 2007 - 2013... We anticipate that we will become a net contributor to the EU budget near the end of the seven-year period.
Plaudit, like you i am fearful of buying, because i'd hate to think i spent 380,000 on a house now and its sales value in 6 months was 330, this a realistic fear?

I posted my numbers some time back but I could stretch €200K to upgrade but would be reluctant to do so as falling prices would mean I would be at a loss at the end of the process.
Indo reports on a strategy to reduce interest payments.

If the value of your house has shot up so that the outstanding loan is now less than 60pc of its value, then you could qualify for a reduction in interest rates.

No mention is made of the flip-side of this argument. What happens if/when house prices fall and your loan-to-value ratio moves into riskier territory ??
breaking news...

Newstalk just announced that the latest Daft report shows little or no growth in house prices during the summer months.

They had a brief interview with Eamonn Fallon from daft. He said that some people were saying that the slowdown in the summer was seasonal and would pick up in September. He said that there has been no pick-up and what is actually happening is a "Fundamental Shift" and a "Change in consumer sentiment" towards the housing market.
breaking news...

Newstalk just announced that the latest Daft report shows little or no growth in house prices during the summer months.

They had a brief interview with Eamonn Fallon from daft. He said that some people were saying that the slowdown in the summer was seasonal and would pick up in September. He said that there has been no pick-up and what is actually happening is a "Fundamental Shift" and a "Change in consumer sentiment" towards the housing market.

Interestingly at least one of the Fallon brothers doesn't own property! I heard him on tha Dave McWilliams podcast a while back. Interesting for someone in the business.
breaking news...

Newstalk just announced that the latest Daft report shows little or no growth in house prices during the summer months.

They had a brief interview with Eamonn Fallon from daft. He said that some people were saying that the slowdown in the summer was seasonal and would pick up in September. He said that there has been no pick-up and what is actually happening is a "Fundamental Shift" and a "Change in consumer sentiment" towards the housing market.

Slowly what some people think(or know) here is coming into the public domain. Each similar news piece confirms to a new bunch and reinforces to others that the market has changed.Repetition breeds retention. It will have a cumulative effect and effectively the autumn selling season is cancelled.

Those needing to buy should hold on for spring sales.
I go for a walk most nights, past a new housing estate, the first phase finished, 12 or so houses, the rest being built. The house closest the road is empty, the lights come on in the same room every night and the central heating kicks in at the same time. You notice the pattern as you observe it every night. I wonder how smug the specuvestor feels, spending money on heat and light, beaming that his house has gone up about 20% in the first year (enough to cover stamp duty and legal fees) so he is now at breakeven point with his investment. But what if house prices don't rise in the next 12 months, he has to pay ongoing heat, light and insurance costs and his capital, if invested in a bank would earn interest and be very liquid.

It defies logic.
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