The Speed of trucks


Registered User
Does anyone know any truck/bus driver who obeys the rules below? Should there not be a serious blitz on these people, especially truck drivers who blast up and down our roads at 120+Kmph with no regard for the law?

Certain vehicles in Ireland (specifically vehicles that are intended or adapted for the carriage of people, vehicles greater than a certain weight and vehicles that are drawing trailers) are subject to different speed limits than those outlined above.

Double Deck Vehicles - 65 km/h
Buses and Coaches (with accommodation for more than 8 passengers 80 km/h
Towing Vehicles - 80 km/h
Trucks (with a design gross weight of more than 3,500kg) - 80 km/h
My husband drives a truck and it is limited at the required speed thus he is unable to speed. Thought most trucks were fitted with this limiter? Alos his tacograph records his speed thus ensuring if he was stopped this could be checked to verify the speed.

The figures show that 494 died on roads in crashes involving trucks between 1996 and 2001 out of a total of 2,622 road fatalities. Of those 494 deaths, 72 were truck drivers, amounting to 15% of the total. This is understandable because one is much more protected driving a truck than in another motor vehicle, on a motorbike or walking. Some 85% of fatalities were other road users. Car users accounted for 51%; pedestrians, 19% - which is very high - motorcyclists, 7%, and cyclists, 6%. Mr. Pat Costello, chief executive of the National Safety Council, points out that it is not saying truck drivers were responsible for these accidents but that they were involved in a high number of fatal crashes which most survived, although 85% of the others involved in the incident were killed.

What depresses me about the report is that, according to Superintendent Liam Collins of the Dublin metropolitan traffic unit, many truck drivers blatantly break the law. He says trucks have speed limiters that kick in once the truck passes the limit but some drivers have got around this. I expected that, with the new speed restrictions, trucks had improved their level of compliance because they are professional drivers for whom losing a licence would be a disaster. However, that is not the case - they have made little difference in the speeds at which they travel. The article states 80% of articulated lorries exceed the 50 miles per hour limit on motorways and that more than 90% exceed the speed limit in 30 miles per hour zones. That is incredible.
I thought the limit was revised downwards in 2005 to 80kpm including motorways.
I think so. I'm in two minds about this, it can really frustrate car drivers.

I was driving from cahir to cork on Saturday in very very wet conditions....i.e. wiper on high speed for at least 45 mins, visibility seriously poor. And 3 trucks passed me out, and considering I was going 80+ Kmph and they passed me, they had to be going at least 100-110+
I was overtaken by a school bus in Donegal last Christmas when I was doing 100Kmph on a single lane road. I bet ye can't top that!
a blitz on speeding truck drivers is definitely necessary.

read too many accident reports stating 'the truck driver is being treated for shock and minor injuries'.
I was going around a bend yesterday morning and it is a tight enough part of the road and a truck on the other side road was more on my side forcing me into the hedges and i lost my wing mirror. It could have been alot worse i could have lost have my car plus i was lucky i did not go into a wall. They should not be on some roads as they are to big and they end up all over the other side aswell.