Problems with Skype (100% CPU usage)


Registered User
I am running Skype on my Laptop, I ring Ireland at least weekly, the call quality is usually excellent however after a few minutes of chat my CPU usage rockets to 100% (Ctrl,Alt & Del to monitor this) & the other person cannot hear me at all although I can hear them clearly. I am calling PC to landline (Skype out) & my BB is at 4,000 KBps so I believe this is not a factor, as my friends with similar bandwidth have no such problem.
I have 736Mb ram also

Does anyone know why, my CPU usage jumps to 100% after a while ?

What task/process is running at 100% (use CTRL-SHIFT-ESC to bring up Task 'Mangler' and click on Processes then click on the CPU column header to see who's hogging the CPU).
Are you running the latest version of Skype?

100% CPU usage sounds like a bug in the software or an issue on your PC
Skype is hogging most of the CPU at about 90% but not all the time only (first few minutes are good quality at around 30-60% CPU usage) after a few minutes of call time. I have to end the call & go to my expensive landline. If I re-call on skype it goes straight to 100% again.

Yes, I am using the latest version, I can confirm that my connection or skype software itself is not the issue here, as my friends are running similarily without problems.

Any ideas, I'm gettin' maaaaderrrrrr with my machine & fear destroying it, if I can't resolve this.
What task/process is running at 100% (use CTRL-SHIFT-ESC to bring up Task 'Mangler' and click on Processes then click on the CPU column header to see who's hogging the CPU).
For what it's worth [broken link removed] is a much better Task Manager, is free and can be configured to replace Task Manager if you like. It shows a lot more detailed info about what's going on with your PC.

The [broken link removed] have some posts about 100%/99% CPU usage problems in case that helps.
You might like to try uninstall/reinstall to see if that helps. If all else fails and you can't take any more, have a look at the various Skype handsets available in Argos.
it is doing that because it is compressing your voice to very small size of space. what speed is your CPU. my friend had a 800MHZ cpu and it was using 100%, mine is 2.6GHz and it uses 40%,it needs this to compress the voice to give excellent quality.

hope it help a bit
it is doing that because it is compressing your voice to very small size of space. what speed is your CPU. my friend had a 800MHZ cpu and it was using 100%, mine is 2.6GHz and it uses 40%,it needs this to compress the voice to give excellent quality.

hope it help a bit

I have a 2.4GHz processor which should be more than adequate, it is the intermittent nature of the problem that is so confusing.

I'll take a look at the link you supplied cheers.
For what it's worth [broken link removed] is a much better Task Manager, is free and can be configured to replace Task Manager if you like. It shows a lot more detailed info about what's going on with your PC.

That is a very useful program. I never knew it existed. Thank you.