kitchen extension, worth it or not?


Registered User
We called over to a neighbour who has their kitchen extended (they have the 'same' house as us) two weeks ago, got their builder to give us a quote, and now DH isn't keen on the idea (he thinks it would be too much money and hassle).

It would give us a lot more kitchen storage, some more space around the kitchen table, a bit more light. We need to change the cooker, and this way we would have space for the one we want.

We would have to increase the mortgage (though it would still be manageable), the garden would be much smaller, and I think it would be worth getting a landscape gardener to look at it to plan it out so that it looks 'right', the mess and hassle of the building... Also, there is the feeling (please say I'm not the only one who does this!!) to think that since you are spending so much on the house anyway, you may as well spend a few more hundred and get the dining table you want etc. etc...

With the extension, it would mean redoing the kitchen to get it 'right', and also redesigning the garden as we aren't loosing a lot of space, but we are losing the parking space for two bins and a motor bike. Dh called into B&Q to get a kitchen design done for the space we will have when we extend, but the girl there just put together units based on what he had drawn out himself, and didn't have anything usefull to add on the design of the kitchen.

Has anyone any opinions?
Sounds like it might be unnecessary hassle and expense to me. Interest rates are on the up and the economy won't boom for ever so it might be more prudent to try to reduce your mortgage rather than increase it. If you both work then what if your circumstances change, in that if one must give up work or loses a job? I'd suggest that you save up (what 25k - 30k ?) and if you still want the extension when you've accumulated the cash then knock yourself out.
Perhaps B&Q may not be the best place to get a creative kitchen design.
How big is your kitchen?. If you have a large family then extending the kitchen may be beneficial, if not you may prefer a large outdoor living space..
Maybe - Change the kitchn (There are loads of space saving gadgets) and landscape the garden anyway... Lot less hassle than an extension...or Trade up
We recently had a 2 storey extension done. Its fantastic to have the extra space but the expense, time and hassle involved was huge, but maybe your job would be more straightforward - is it just a new room being added on thats just accessed though an existing doorway or something without having to mess with the existing house?

Potential hassles anyway are - noise, dirt, interference with services, intrusion of builders in your house, unreliable builders who repeatedly don't turn up when they're meant to and you've stayed home to meet them, youll have to pack all your stuff away, neighbours who are affected by what you're doing in extension or garden, errors in the build which you have to identify and resolve so you have to learn all about building issues yourself, fighting with builders over quality of their work and finish, constant decisions to be made re build, design, technical details, selecting fittings, decor etc. Would you be living there through the extension and if so would you be without a proper kitchen for the duration? Do you have kids? Are you at home during the day?

I do think extra space makes your life much easier especially if you've kids. If your neighbour got the very same job done quickly by the same builder than thats very promising and you may not have any problems.
It would only be a man that would tell you that it was too much hassle. I have done 2 different extentions one 5 years ago and another this year each were hassle while they were going on but both well worth while. The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the house so space is important. You must get a few quotes from a few builders. Then it is important to check what you are getting for your money as I was getting my brotherinlaw to do wiring and I thought I had asked builder to quote for chasing but when it came to being done he said that was electrician job and I had to pay some one else to do it. Things will probably crop up that you dont expect so have a little spare cash for extras. I think it will be worht the hassle.
Thats a great post Toby and echoes what I'm going through at the moment. Last night as I lay in bed terrified that half the builders rubble in my back garden being blown by the hurricane would destroy mine and all my neighbours house I did wonder was all the dirt, mess, expense and upheaval worth it? In my case the answer is a resounding yes. This was never our ideal house but the location is great and we can't afford to move to anywhere that would be an improvement, so we've decided to make it our ideal house by putting in the features that stopped it being ideal - so more space, more light, better use of space, a big playroom for o.h., less garden maintenance etc.,etc.

But I am only undertaking this because I intend to stay here, otherwise not owrth it, this is a once off, I would not willingly go through this again. That said my builders ( so far! ) are brilliant and even mop my floor out for me each evening.

The obvious but key question is will the end result make your life better. Got an extension a year ago - bigger kitchen and a few other bits and pieces - and it has improved out quality of life. All family members can now hang about comfortably in one room, while beforehand kitchen was just too small. May sound odd but this has improved our day to day life, family conversations etc tremendously. I also still have a "wow" factor every morning when I go downstairs into the big bright (well not in winter) airy space.

The financial implication is something only you can work out. Ruthlessly examine your monthly budget and figure out how much of a strain the extra payments would impose.

As for hassle, dirt etc. Yes there is all that, but it ends, and when it ends the memory fades.
My building starts Monday. Lots of inconvenience but I am really looking forward to the project - despite the fact that my downstairs cloakroom, main bathroom and utility are being decommissioned next week.

But, on the upside, I still have my kitchen for a few weeks! I'm looking forward to doing what I like best - eating out. I may have to move out at some stage.

We are in the middle of a kitchen/bathroom extension . It is good to read all the posts saying its worth the hassle in the end. I do keep saying this to myself as you do have bad days and for me yesterday was a bad day!! We are only in the third week of the extension so not half way there yet. There is dust and dirt and mess everywhere but its only downstairs. You do learn to live with it and try and ignore it. I am really looking forward to the day when its all done and i know i will be delighted that we did go through the hassle.

From the very first week we had no kitchen - they just tore out the old one on day one! I was very organised (boring some might say!) but have cooked lots of dinners and they are in the freezer so its only a matter of using the microwave in the evening. Another plus to it all - i dont feel guilty not cleaning or dusting at weekends as really there is no point!

Go for it!
Here I stand (well, sit to be exact)......A man who said that extending the kitchen was a total waste of money.....I'm full up with humble pie at this stage.....

The builders were not punctual, headed off to the pub early most days, weren't exactly tidy and took longer than was expected. During that time we had the inconvenience of trying to cook in a kitchen with a cold whiltsling wind blowing through it and dust everywhere......

It's all over now and yes, Mrs d2 was right all along....It's now the best room in the house, we now use it more ourselves. We've invited the Ambassador and his wife around more often for Ferrero Rochers and swinging.....Seriously though, in my opinion, once the planned design is likley to be of significant difference, either through style or size...It will be worth the hassle....

I didn't realise so many AAM-ers were in mid-kitchen-extension mode...! :D

We're planning on doing one ourselves in the Spring, largely on the basis of two criteria already mentioned above — (a) that it's the room most used by the whole family, and (b) that we don't intend moving house in the foreseeable future.
Perhaps B&Q may not be the best place to get a creative kitchen design.
Agreed. A friend of ours recently did a complete refit and bought every stick of the new kitchen in [broken link removed], saving (or so he claims) €15K in the process. Worth checking out, I suppose..?