Blurring of text and images on PC monitor


Registered User
Earlier today and without warning, the text and images on my PC monitor became very blurred.

The problem disappeared only when I reset the computer but this happened about 2 months ago and if the problem is likely to occur again, I would like to either fix problem permanently or replace the monitor before the warranty runs out.

So can anyone tell me if the problem is likely to occur again and what I can do to prevent re-occurrence?

If it helps, I am using a BenQ FP71G monitor and a RADEON X600 Series Display adapter.

This is a LCD right? Depends on how blured it is.
Have you checked the screen resolution, certain resolutions end up stretching the fonts making them look blurred.
When you boot up does the screen still look blurred? Do you have another monitor that you can use to test the PC with?

Would really need to see the problem to know what to do.
ClubMan, how would I recognise the video card?

SirOurs, I don't have another monitor immediately to hand to test the problem. The screen resolution is 1280 X 1024. When I boot up, the screen resolution is fine - yesterday, the problem occurred after the PC had been up and running for several hours without any problem.

I am just trying to figure out if the problem is likely to occur with increasing frequency and if so, if there is anything I can do to prevent that.

Given that the problem occurs infrequently (I haven't had the problem today, the problem occurred yesterday and about 2 months previously), I doubt if the problem could be caused by a video card not properly connected or an inappropriate screen resolution - I would have thought that these factors, if present, would make the problem a constant one.

Perhaps my knowledge or logic is lacking. Please let me know if you think so.
Possibly a virus - a friend had that happen to his machine - have you run a virus scan? adware or spyware also could help. At least you could rule this out then....
If it happens after the PC has been running for a while, it could be that you have an issue with overheating. Check that the vents are clear.
The problem occurred again, this time with a new monitor.

As before, I rebooted the PC and the problem has not re-occurred. Yet!

It may or not be a coincidence, but whenever the problem has occurred, I have been using Microsoft Word and I have been dragging the scroll bar.

If you wish, you can view what my monitor looks like when the problem occurs in the file that I have uploaded to:

Thanks for any help you can give me.
Thats unlikely to be a monitor problem. Especially if you managed to get a screen caputure. It looks like a problem with the graphic card. If it happens after a while it could be heat related, or a heat damaged card. However it also looks like you "printscreen" to cpature that image. If so thats a software problem. Either a video driver problem, (reinstall it) or as someone said a virus. Problems with a video card or a monitor will only be captured by using a camera to take a picture. If the windows printscreen is grabbing it then its software.

In my opinion.
Yeah - I also wonder if it may be something like a dodgy/overheating card? Does it happen after the machine has been on for a while? If so then this would be more evidence of an overheating card. Does any heatsink/fan on the video card look intact? Maybe you could get a lend of another video card and try that for comparison (will most likely need different drivers etc.)?