Anti fianna fail website annoying FF


Registered User
Some Irish guy who emmigrated to spain has been working on a site about fianna fail that they arent happy with! have a look
I don't like this sort of tabloid populist rubbish (aimed at any party).
To people expect government ministers to travel at the back of a commercial plane?
To they expect them to stay in a B&B and make their way by bus to meetings?
The small mindedness of the Irish public never ceases to disappoint me.
Same here, why they keep voting these jokers into office is beyond me.

That's a different point; I just can't stand the way we begrudge and knock our leaders (no matter what party they are from).
Our leader doesn't even have an official residence while the American ambassador gets a big house in the phoenix park. What sort of impression do we want to give to other world leaders?
This is the same as those stupid non-stories generated by FOI applications about how much money is spent on make-up or hair cuts by the government every year. Anyone who thinks that's a serious issue is an idiot!
I would say that we don't knock our leaders enough, Bush is a figure of ridicule in the US, Blair is despised in the UK. Bertie gets an easy ride for such an incompetent bumbling gobdaw in my opinion.
Ah, he's pretty FFly, for a white guy...

Bertie gets an easy ride for such an incompetent bumbling gobdaw in my opinion.
Actually, I'd venture the opposite. He gets off more lightly than he might — precisely by playing the bumbling gobdaw (with consumate skill).

Anyway, I don't think that website will topple the likes of Langerland... (warning: contains strong language and possibly offensive innuendo) :D
I would say that we don't knock our leaders enough, Bush is a figure of ridicule in the US, Blair is despised in the UK. Bertie gets an easy ride for such an incompetent bumbling gobdaw in my opinion.

I think you should insert the word "some" into your comments on Bush and Blair (though I would be part of that group if I lived in either place).
I am not defending Bertie; I don't think he has done a good job over the last few years. But I don't like the way the Irish people in general undermine and demean politicians and politics in general. It undermines the whole democratic process. There is a lot wrong with this country and how it is run but most of the criticism is mindless and unconstructive, news papers and websites that poke fun at Bertie Ahern or Enda Kenny or Mary Harney are not analysing their policies and asking hard questions about their actions or policies.
What does it matter if Martin Cullen stays in a top hotel or Bertie gets an expensive haircut? What really matters is how they spend the billions of Euro that we give them and while we are reading about a free pair of shoes in Westport or looking at cartoons taking the p**s out of Mary Harney’s weight problem we are not looking at the real issues.
That site's been around for a couple of years now. Best thing Fianna Fail should have done would be to continue to ignore it. I wouldn't say it gets much traffic, and the commentary is of the kind that you can't take in any way seriously at all.

It's like when Minister O'Donoghue complained about the Fine Gael rip off website - it only serves to make an unvisited website more popular.

The guy behind it used to frequent the Forum on [broken link removed] (RIP). Apparently a taxi-driver who won the lottery and moved to Spain.

As per some of my other posts, I believe that once a person leaves this country, they give up the right to slag off those of us left behind. It's just pettiness to keep harking back on the bad things.
But I don't like the way the Irish people in general undermine and demean politicians and politics in general. It undermines the whole democratic process.

If you are suggesting that if we are kinder to our politicians that they will preform better I'm willing to give it a go. However in countries where criticism of the political establishment is severely curtailed, corruption, maladministration and poverty are rampant. On second thoughts I think I'll remain a vigilant and verbouse; I think its my patriotic duty.

As per some of my other posts, I believe that once a person leaves this country, they give up the right to slag off those of us left behind. It's just pettiness to keep harking back on the bad things.

You do not become less Irish once you leave this country, and have every right (as enshrined in The Constitution) to voice your opinion on the governance of your homeland.
You do not become less Irish once you leave this country, and have every right (as enshrined in The Constitution) to voice your opinion on the governance of your homeland.

I fully realise that, and realise that people have that right. I said that it's my personal belief that they give up that right. If people care so much for the place, then why would they leave it all behind and move elsewhere? If they really cared that much about the country, couldn't they have hung around and tried to improve things? Rather than slagging from afar?
If you are suggesting that if we are kinder to our politicians that they will preform better I'm willing to give it a go. However in countries where criticism of the political establishment is severely curtailed, corruption, maladministration and poverty are rampant. On second thoughts I think I'll remain a vigilant and verbouse; I think its my patriotic duty.
I'm suggesting no such thing. What I am suggesting is that the juvenile personalised criticism that the media in general levels at politicians lets them avoid answering will constructed questions and means that we do not get a true picture of how our country is run. In the case of the newspapers and radio it's lazy journalism and doesn't serve the public interest. In the case of websites like this one it allows the ill informed to laugh at things that they don’t really understand.
You do not become less Irish once you leave this country, and have every right (as enshrined in The Constitution) to voice your opinion on the governance of your homeland.
I'm curious about this - what specific article of the constitution covers this?
What we need is more satire, not less. Deflating pomposity is a noble occupation, and that counts for politicians, business people, union leaders, or whoever spouts hot air and deserves to be called up on it.

Look at for example for a picture of how great satire can be.
Perhaps, but taxpayers don't pay the owner's salary, expenses and pension (nor, longer-term, for the results of his incompetence/venality/corruption).
Article 40.6.1

In case anybody was curious!
  1. 6. 1° The State guarantees liberty for the exercise of the following rights, subject to public order and morality:
i. The right of the citizens to express freely their convictions and opinions. The education of public opinion being, however, a matter of such grave import to the common good, the State shall endeavour to ensure that organs of public opinion, such as the radio, the press, the cinema, while preserving their rightful liberty of expression, including criticism of Government policy, shall not be used to undermine public order or morality or the authority of the State.
The publication or utterance of blasphemous, seditious, or indecent matter is an offence which shall be punishable in accordance with law.
ii. The right of the citizens to assemble peaceably and without arms.
Provision may be made by law to prevent or control meetings which are determined in accordance with law to be calculated to cause a breach of the peace or to be a danger or nuisance to the general public and to prevent or control meetings in the vicinity of either House of the Oireachtas.
iii. The right of the citizens to form associations and unions.
Laws, however, may be enacted for the regulation and control in the public interest of the exercise of the foregoing right.​