Current public sentiment towards the housing market?

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Does anyone know the figures for the same areas 1 year ago? Don't think its accurate to compare June's inventory with September.
In addition it should be considered that these are two of Dublins fastest growing areas. How many extra apartments/houses have been built in the intervening months?

Well April is busy season when you would expect high levels of inventory but inventory has more than doubled in Lucan since then.

Developers don't list each house for sale individually so the comparison is accurate.
Well April is busy season when you would expect high levels of inventory but inventory has more than doubled in Lucan since then.

Developers don't list each house for sale individually so the comparison is accurate.
Oh dear, there are 200 properties for sale now in Lucan 79 min price of 400k and 121 with 400k max price.

PS there were around 45-50 around late Jan early Feb 2006.
Oh dear, there are 200 properties for sale now in Lucan 79 min price of 400k and 121 with 400k max price.

PS there were around 45-50 around late Jan early Feb 2006.

it's actually 190 today - there are 10 at 400k :)
...since the total has gone over the myhome area limit of 150, it's best to split them by number of bedrooms - max 3 bed and then min 4 bed.

So from 45-50 in Jan (start of last selling season) to 190 now (start of this selling season) is a massive jump in inventory in one area :eek:
it's actually 190 today - there are 10 at 400k :)
...since the total has gone over the myhome area limit of 150, it's best to split them by bedrooms - max 3 bed and then min 4 bed.

So from 45-50 in Jan (start of last selling season) to 190 now (start of this selling season) is a massive jump in inventory in one area :eek:

Can you check again. This is what I'm getting with no other filters (Lucan only)

Min price 400k = 79
Max price 400k = 121
Can you check again. This is what I'm getting with no other filters (Lucan only)

Min price 400k = 79
Max price 400k = 121

There are 10 at 400k - you're counting those 10 properties twice. not to use price, use number of bedrooms.

Max beds 3 (no min) : 135
Min beds 4 (no max) : 55
Total : 190
Meath County, Daft inventory;

7 July 487
19 July 504
28 August 665
6 September 705

A steady rise in Daft listings as the 'selling season' starts.
Well April is busy season when you would expect high levels of inventory but inventory has more than doubled in Lucan since then.

Developers don't list each house for sale individually so the comparison is accurate.

I agree that April is a busy season. Don't disput that. I was referring to the figures you gave for Swords when you compared inventory for June versus September.

I agree that April is a busy season. Don't disput that. I was referring to the figures you gave for Swords when you compared inventory for June versus September.

I just had a quick look at and there are only 150 houses advertised for sale in Lucan - not 185! A drop of 35 in 1 day. When you consider the number of extra houses advertised for sale on (now 64!) compared to the total number of houses in the sprawling suburb of Lucan its very little.

Nope - myhome has a search result limit of 150 so you have to split the result. Hard to believe but the real total is 190!
There are so many houses for sale that it has reached the search result limit for one area - I had never seen that before until it happened a few weeks ago.

Houses completed over the past few months will not have been listed individually. Anything else is likely to be from flippers and there's no way that flippers will double the number of houses for sale in an area.
I was referring to the figures you gave for Swords when you compared inventory for June versus September.

Swords : There's been a continuous build up of property for sale over the summer rather than the reduction that normally occurs. One agent in Swords told me recently that they have twice the number of properties on their books now compared with this time last year. They told me that in one week they had more people backing out than sales agreed.
As Room305 says, he's already putting his money where his mouth is.

FTB's who've compromised on location in the mad scramble to get onto the bottom rung of the ladder could well see themselves stuck in their poorly-serviced areas for a long time to come with no hope of 'trading up' to the promised land of the 2nd-from-bottom-rung.
If you're in the happy position of living in your 'final home' in your preferred location then whatever the market does won't affect you much either way (except on paper).
If you're not, then selling up, investing the proceeds and renting in your desired area makes perfect sense. Once the mortgage/rent premium has corrected itself you can then think about buying in again. If it doesn't, then the money saved on mortgage interest over the years should be adequate compensation.

Perfectly said. For the first time by not buying and renting; you will be 'saving' as you will not be incurring the capital depreciation.
Nope - myhome has a limit of 150 per area so you have to split the result. Hard to believe but the real total is 190!
There are so many houses for sale that it has reached the max result count for one area - I had never seen that before until it happened a few weeks ago.

Houses completed over the past few months will not have been listed individually. Anything else is likely to be from flippers and there's no way that flippers will double the number of houses for sale in an area.
There is a lot of people now attempting to trade-up from the Lucan area.
There is a lot of people now attempting to trade-up from the Lucan area.

I think Lucan is a lovely area, lots of 3 bed semi's with gardens...lower density than newer builds. Friends of mine that live there would only trade up within Lucan itself.

I would say that lots of people that bought first in the 90's hung on to their first house when trading up. Now they're letting go.
Here is a development of 5 "executive homes" located in "exclusive" Cratloe Co. Clare. Trouble is they are beside an ESB substation and right beside the dualcarraigeway, so lots of noise pollution. Its not in a good location really, on the fringe of Cratloe and the wrong side of the dualcarraigeway so you have to go in a roundaboutway to get to the shops, schools, pubs etc. They have been under construction and on the market for over 2 years and are now sitting there empty and finished, just one has been sold.

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