Fianna Fail committee to investigate alleged cocaine use


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Taoiseach asks committee to investigate cocaine photos
01/09/2006 - 09:42:51

The Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has said this morning that he has asked that a committee be set up to investigate allegations that a Fianna Fáil councillor was caught snorting cocaine.

Photos were published last month allegedly revealing Councillor Liam Kelly taking the drug, although he claims the pictures were staged.

Mr Ahern said his party was determined to find out whether or not the pictures were accurate.

If they are, he said: "It’s a very serious issue and there will be no fudging or no hiding."

I don't understand this at all. And if I was the councillor concerned, I'd be most unhappy and wouldn't co-operate with this "investigation" at all.

If there is an allegation of cocaine use, why is this not being investigated by the Gardai? Why is Fianna Fail sidestepping the justice process in this country in this fashion? What right does the Fianna Fail party have to do so?

Where would it leave the councillor concerned if the Fianna Fail party were to find him guilty of using cocaine? Or is the result of this investigation a foregone conclusion?
I thought it said on the news this morning that the Guards would be carrying out their own investigation into the incident.
What can the guards investigate? Did the UK police investgate Robbie Fowler for simulating cocaine sniffing in the merseyside derby years ago?? Trial by media, tis great!!
What can the guards investigate?

Cocaine is a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs act. It is illegal to be in possession of cocaine or to supply it to other people. Maximum penalties for possession are 7 years imprisonment plus a fine.

Did the UK police investgate Robbie Fowler for simulating cocaine sniffing in the merseyside derby years ago??

I think that was pretty obvious that in that situation there were no drugs present.

aonfocaleile said:
I thought it said on the news this morning that the Guards would be carrying out their own investigation into the incident.

I thought the investigation was into the councillors counter-allegations that the photo was a sting operation as part of an attempt to extort money from him - rather than his alleged use of cocaine.
IMO Fianna Fail and Bertie are only publicly commenting on this as we are now in the run up to the election and this is a perfect example of how the party are stamping out bad behaviour from elected reps. The individual in question will be hung out to dry and made an example of for the sake of the party image.
IMO Fianna Fail and Bertie are only publicly commenting on this as we are now in the run up to the election and this is a perfect example of how the party are stamping out bad behaviour from elected reps. The individual in question will be hung out to dry and made an example of for the sake of the party image.

And so he should be if he was sniffing cocaine....And I certainly don't believe the rubbish he has been coming out with trying to explain it. He may have been set up but at the end of the day if he was shoving an illegal substance up his nose, can you blame any political party from wanting to kick hom out? Can't exactly come out tough on crime and with anti drug messages when he is sitting there..
Cocaine is a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs act. It is illegal to be in possession of cocaine or to supply it to other people. Maximum penalties for possession are 7 years imprisonment plus a fine.
I am aware of that - however - how and why are the gardai investigating this? Is it because a newspaper got hold of footage on a video phone wherein someone was possibly committing an illegal act? Is this how they decide on what to investigate? Surely any investigation now would be a complete waste of police time given that there will not be any evidence, but hey, if the Indo and associated newspapers demand it, it must be done!!