: Anyone working in HSE?


Registered User
there's a new forum that might be interesting:
It's also for the general public who might want to comment on the HSEs.

Moderators, if I'm not allowed say this, just delete it. I'm not associated with the forum in any way.
Nightingale Forum

Nightingale Forum ([broken link removed]) is a Website and Discussion Forum for all nurses, doctors and careworkers involved in healthcare in Ireland.

This website provides us with the means to discuss our worries and concerns freely, without fear of repercussion, and with the ultimate aim of patient advocacy by means of helping each other.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 13 May 2006 )
It seems its a forum for nurses, doctors and careworkers in healthcare in Ireland. It doesnt mention administrators so I assume they are not welcome. It does not appear to be confined to the public health care system.

It seems its a forum for nurses, doctors and careworkers in healthcare in Ireland. It doesnt mention administrators so I assume they are not welcome. It does not appear to be confined to the public health care system.


In my experience non-medically qualified employees in the Public Health service are not described/refered to as Professionals and as the forum clearly states it for 'professionals' working in healthcare then I would concur with your assumption...........
I know several IT professionals, Accountants and Facilities Mangagers in the Public and Private Healthcare Sectors.

But lets not get too hung up on the word "professional".

The site is pretty sparse and has headings for doctors, nurses and ambulance drivers. There are no sections for the many other professionals in the Public and Private Healthcare systems. Radiographers, Laboratory Scientists, Phisios etc.

Does anyone know who is behind the site and what their motivation might be? ( A political party perhaps? or a Trade Union? or a Newspaper?)

I think I read an article about it a number of weeks back.........think it was set up by a nurse or nurses who wanted a forum to express their opinions without fear.

PS: I was one of these non-medical professionals working in the Health sector.........