How prepared are we in our fight against terrorists.


Registered User
It appears a major plot to blow up a number of airlines while flying from the U.K. to the USA has been foiled. MI5 and other intelligence services today arrested 20 suspects.
I just wonder how prepared we are in this country for such an event? Do we have the equivalent of MI5, undercover agents etc.
Personally I don't safe in the knowledge that everything is under control.
Dont our Gardaí special branch have files on lots of suspected terrorists? Wouldnt they need a base to plan all this stuff? I dont think they have their base and support network here as of yet. I could be wrong though!
I feel that is people are prepared to kill themselves in the pursuit of their goals then we will never be able to fully prepare. Most security seems to run on the premise that the individual will try to leave something behind r hide something but now if that person is prepared to be a suicide bomber then the job of security becomes almost impossible.
The measures they have taken in Heathrow seem to be the only way you can be sure that nothing is smuggled onto a plane but will they continue with these measures?
I just wonder how prepared we are in this country for such an event?
There was no "event" as far as I can judge from the news so far today. Lots of vague talk about potential conspiracies and "up to 18 arrests" (can they not count or something)? Time will tell but cynical me says yet another attempt to whip up some hysteria about shadowy and possibly imaginary terrorist threats. Obviously terrorist threats do exist and incidents will happen but crying wolf doesn't contribute anything constructive to the situation. Don't forget the last London terror threat "incident" when no bomb was found and an innocent civilian was shot! And having to taste babies' bottles/food before boarding - I mean, come on.... :rolleyes:
Wasn't one of the bomb scares at Dublin airport recently just some guy's medicine which he had left in a toilet - the guy explained what it was but they went ahead and did controlled explosion!. While I know there is a huge need for security measures at airports etc - surely common sense should prevail thereby saving thousands of passengers unecessary worrying/tension and delays!.
How prepared are we in our fight against terrorists.

I don't think we're fighting terrorists at all, are we? Isn't that what the Americans and British are doing?

I'm with Clubman on this unfortunately. (Unfortunately that he might be right, rather than unfortunate that I'm agreeing with him).

Given how these things are stage managed historically, there are no tv pictures of the arrests, of the suspects being brought into custody or transferred for questioning.

It's been a while since the US or UK scared the bejaysus out of their citizens for a while, so something like this was bound to come along sooner or later.
It's also worth remembering how the terrorist plot to blow up the Sears Towers in Chicago a few months ago turned out.
It's been a while since the US or UK scared the bejaysus out of their citizens for a while, so something like this was bound to come along sooner or later.

Can't see what they would gain by doing this if they didn't believe their intelligence was legitimate?
The opeing question was "how prepared are we for a terrorist attack" rather than if this terror threat was for real.
And there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...yada yada yada! The real pity is that all this scaremongering makes the general public less vigilant.
Can't see what they would gain by doing this if they didn't believe their intelligence was legitimate?
The opeing question was "how prepared are we for a terrorist attack" rather than if this terror threat was for real.

You're missing my point. There was no intelligence. Apart from the intelligence involved in making up the plot that's been "revealed" today.

And when such terrorist attacks are made up in the minds of the governments in who's interests it is to keep their populations in a constant state of fear, what's the point in us being prepared. There's nothing to be prepared for.
Can't see what they would gain by doing this if they didn't believe their intelligence was legitimate?
The opeing question was "how prepared are we for a terrorist attack" rather than if this terror threat was for real.
The original post asked how prepared we might be for "such an event" and yet there is no evidence yet that there was any "event" at all so it's relevant to discuss this in my opinion.
Yesterday morning at about 7.30am. three motorcycle gardai were escorting the Lord Mayors carriage being carried on the back of a lorry along the Stillorgan Dual carriageway. All traffic was stopped to allow this event take place.
It just concerns me that we might have terrorists in our midst and our gardai are wasting their time doing this sort of thing.
Yesterday morning at about 7.30am. three motorcycle gardai were escorting the Lord Mayors carriage being carried on the back of a lorry along the Stillorgan Dual carriageway. All traffic was stopped to allow this event take place.
It just concerns me that we might have terrorists in our midst and our gardai are wasting their time doing this sort of thing.

Yes, and I'm sure there were another few guards looking after lost children in town, brethalyzing drivers and wtrolling down Grafton St. Come on Gardai!!! All up to the airport for the war on terror and leave the rest of us alone!!! ;)
You really should read th Dublin and Monaghan Bombings, ( I mentioned it in another thread). It would horrify you to see what the British Government are capable of. Making up terrorist threats is the least of it. I'm not related to the author and I don't have any vested interest in the book.