Where are our Government Officials?


Registered User

Is there a central website or other resource, to see where our various elected officials are?

Specifically, I'm wondering about An Taoiseach, An Taniste and The President.

Are all three individuals currently out of the country, and all in the New York, at present?

That must be an inappropriate situation, to have all three out of the country, at the same time, if I'm correct

. .. not to mention, all three in the one foreign city, for fear of terrorist attack etc.

Thank you.
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I presume that the......

Are they?

I looked briefly, couldn't find them tbh. That said, I won't lie, I gave up after a few minutes.

News articles and their social media suggest that all three individuals are in New York, but I was hoping to confirm.
Darragh O'Brien did Taoiseachs questions last week so I presume it was him or else the Leader of the Seanad. In this day and age, it makes no difference if they are in the office. Remember Leo announced lockdown when in the US.

President is largely irrelevant for day to day stuff anyway.
Where are the officials that oversaw the children's hospital fiasco and the bike shed spend. They are all protected by anonymity and secrecy but should they be ?
Most of these are very highly paid with alot of status, they need to be held accountable.
I don't believe that it's all BAMs fault, they say that the state officials have continuously changed the design and made them remove already installed smoke alarms and sprinklers because they didn't comply with new specs, it's like they are petrified to take responsibility for anything so would rather waste money and time removing all these installed equipment rather than just signing off on it.
BAM are the main contractor in building the 17 billion dollar intel fab, I don't hear intel having a public row with BAM over the construction. So the blame lies with the hospital and how they oversaw everything
Where are the officials that oversaw the children's hospital fiasco and the bike shed spend. They are all protected by anonymity and secrecy but should they be ?
Most of these are very highly paid with alot of status, they need to be held accountable.
I don't believe that it's all BAMs fault, they say that the state officials have continuously changed the design and made them remove already installed smoke alarms and sprinklers because they didn't comply with new specs, it's like they are petrified to take responsibility for anything so would rather waste money and time removing all these installed equipment rather than just signing off on it.
BAM are the main contractor in building the 17 billion dollar intel fab, I don't hear intel having a public row with BAM over the construction. So the blame lies with the hospital and how they oversaw everything
The State sector is structurally incompetent. They are also almost completely unaccountable and totally unsanctionable. They are the permanent government of the country. Blaming a Minister may be politically expedient but it avoids addressing the real problem.

Why people want to give more money and power to an institution, or collection of institutions, that have shown themselves to be utterly, dangerously, and in the case of the health service fatally incompetent over and over and over again by beyond me.
I wish it was corruption because corruption is easier to fix than incompetence.
The State sector is structurally incompetent. They are also almost completely unaccountable and totally unsanctionable. They are the permanent government of the country. Blaming a Minister may be politically expedient but it avoids addressing the real problem.

Why people want to give more money and power to an institution, or collection of institutions, that have shown themselves to be utterly, dangerously, and in the case of the health service fatally incompetent over and over and over again by beyond me.
I wish it was corruption because corruption is easier to fix than incompetence.
And it’s going to get worse.

There was a time in the civil service where you had to provide evidence of some element of competence to get a promotion. Not any more.

It’s now about what you say you can do and the image of yourself that you can project. An appreciation of the woke culture won’t do you any harm either. There are some utter morons who have promoted to positions of significant importance on this basis.

A requirement for anything that might be considered substance is optional.
Don’t want to sound like a taxi driver here who’s an expert on everything apart from getting you from A to B by the shortest route but here’s my tuppence worth on the hospital fiasco.
Why at this point in the development of the European Union is there not a design available off the shelf for a “ standard hospital “ with the only variable being the number of rooms. Don’t jump down my neck here and say that there’s no comparison but McDonalds , Aldi Lidl etc can build almost identical units anywhere without having to re design each one from the ground up and what is a hospital only a bigger unit with multiple rooms. Adapting this approach would mean that building companies would be totally familiar with the requirements eliminating the need to totally change design requirements halfway through the process.
I would suggest that the building facade could differ from city to city and country to country to reflect local building appearance but behind that facade should be a “ European best practice standard hospital “ Same could also apply to all public buildings eliminating the need to design every bit of infrastructure from the ground up.
Why at this point in the development of the European Union is there not a design available off the shelf for a “ standard hospital “ with the only variable being the number of rooms.
Because there's no such thing as a standard hospital, or standard site on which they are placed. A template design might just be feasible in a green field site, but few hospitals are ever built in locations like that. Just look at the planning files to see all the unique elements to the site and location that have had to be accommodated in the design. Dedicated paediatrics hospitals have much different requirements to a general hospital, and there haven't been that many build in recent decades.

The requirements of imaging and diagnostic equipment continues to evolve along with those technologies. Just ask the fine people in a hospital I won't name how their extension to house MRI equipment designed to old specs worked out? Hint, they had to knock some of it down.
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Are all three individuals currently out of the country, and all in the New York, at present?

It is important to attend these summits, if for nothing else than to understand first-hand the various global positions and sentiments and to talk face-to-face.

I used to think I should love to be young again.

Now I don't.

The world is becoming to dangerous.