"How Ireland's stock in the EU has fallen"

Brendan Burgess

A very good opinion piece in the Irish Times

The reality is that in a decade Ireland has gone from holding agriculture and rural development (a third of the EU budget), to trade (the crown jewel of the EU’s competencies) via financial services (stripped of the important bits) to the thankless task of policing wannabe European dictators under a “democracy shield”.

And while much immediate attention will focus on Fianna Fáil’s continuing naivety on European affairs (voting against von der Leyen’s reappointment) or the Irish Government’s refusal to nominate both a man and woman as requested by Brussels – these are only the latest examples of an Ireland totally out of touch with EU realities.

And those realities are grim for Ireland. Because it’s increasingly hard to refute the prevailing view of Ireland in Brussels. Principally, Ireland as a quasi-corporate tax haven. A freeloader on security and defence. An enforcer of the EU’s digital and data protection laws that has been criticised for dragging its feet. A state that constantly preaches about fiscal discipline, yet simultaneously disregards its own financial rules. A monolingual anglosphere economy that doesn’t even have a co-ordinated strategy to replace its ageing citizens working in the European institutions. The list goes on.
Dr Eoin Drea is senior researcher at the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies in Brussels, the think tank of the European People’s Party

This is the Party of which FG is a member
It's hard to disagree with anything he says in the article. They are fair and legitimate criticisms of this country.
Or in other words jog on! He might have some good points to make but terms such as that are enough to stop me taking him seriously.

How could anomalous Ireland, by its own economic management, have the effrontery to move from a net beneficiary to a net contributor to the EU budget.

How could anomalous Ireland, by its own economic management, have the effrontery to move from a net beneficiary to a net contributor to the EU budget.
Oh, oh, I'll try and answer that one; By getting massive amounts of structural funding from the EU and constructing a taxation model that entices MNC's here by effectively allowing then to steal taxes from other countries and taking a small cut for ourselves?
nd constructing a taxation model that entices MNC's here by effectively allowing then to steal taxes from other countries and taking a small cut for ourselves?
Please explain how that taxation was calculated under domestic legislation and the terms of the US/Ireland tax treaty prevailing at the time.
And while much immediate attention will focus on Fianna Fáil’s continuing naivety on European affairs (voting against von der Leyen’s reappointment) or the Irish Government’s refusal to nominate both a man and woman as requested by Brussels – these are only the latest examples of an Ireland totally out of touch with EU realities
also the shafting of Phil Hogan out of his commission job over "golfgate", Von der Leyen didn't see anything wrong in her opinion it was a minor misdiscretion and she wasn't prepared to fire Phil Hogan over it. However in our over zealousness regarding covid lockdowns
the government shouted "Crucify him, Crucify him"
Von der Leyen "but for what crime"
the government " because he sat in a hotel function room after a golf game and there were 50 people in it seperated by a temporary partition"

they were scratching their heads in Brussels over that
also the shafting of Phil Hogan out of his commission job over "golfgate", Von der Leyen didn't see anything wrong in her opinion it was a minor misdiscretion and she wasn't prepared to fire Phil Hogan over it. However in our over zealousness regarding covid lockdowns
the government shouted "Crucify him, Crucify him"
Von der Leyen "but for what crime"
the government " because he sat in a hotel function room after a golf game and there were 50 people in it seperated by a temporary partition"

they were scratching their heads in Brussels over that
The voluntary surrender of the Trade portfolio was an act of utter folly. Borderline treason even.