Hamas attack on Israel

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In http://chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.awrad.org/files/server/2-20231115123229.pdf (a survey), a small one mind, only 13% of Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza expressed opposition to the October 7th attacks by Hamas.
A clear majority supported the actions of Hamas that day, actions which included the brutal murder of children. 59% strongly supported the attacks and 16% supported them to some extent. That's pretty disgusting.
In http://chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.awrad.org/files/server/2-20231115123229.pdf (a survey), a small one mind, only 13% of Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza expressed opposition to the October 7th attacks by Hamas.
A clear majority supported the actions of Hamas that day, actions which included the brutal murder of children. 59% strongly supported the attacks and 16% supported them to some extent. That's pretty disgusting.
Not surprised. Palestinians danced in the street after 9/11.
Excellent article in the Irish Times today - sorry that its behind paywall (!)

A good articel.

I often think that the 'great and the good' of Irish public life, while often well informed mostly just parrot a consensus line for an easy life in the world of big public jobs. Brigid Laffan and Seán Donlon, have made fools of themselves recently. Bobby McDonagh on the other hand seems insightful and confident enough to make a worthwhile contribution.
In http://chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.awrad.org/files/server/2-20231115123229.pdf (a survey), a small one mind, only 13% of Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza expressed opposition to the October 7th attacks by Hamas.
A clear majority supported the actions of Hamas that day, actions which included the brutal murder of children. 59% strongly supported the attacks and 16% supported them to some extent. That's pretty disgusting.
Not surprised. Palestinians danced in the street after 9/11.
Obviously Palestinians are sub-human monsters.

According to a small survey, with a broken link.

Guys, you have both made valued contributions to this thread, but please avoid rehashing the rubbishy ends of the web.
Brigid Laffan and Seán Donlon, have made fools of themselves recently.
Are you referring to this:
Irish Times October 15th said:
The IRA had washed out in a sea of blood the life’s work of the SDLP, the civil rights movement and the campaign for social justice, a former diplomat has said.

Seán Donlon, former secretary general of the Department of Foreign Affairs, was addressing a conference “50 years of the Northern Ireland peace process” held in Navan and organised by the Meath Peace Group and Meath County Library.
I presume we can all agree that he was spot on here. Can you link to where you think he made a fool of himself in the context of OP?
Are you referring to this:

I presume we can all agree that he was spot on here. Can you link to where you think he made a fool of himself in the context of OP?
Sorry, my opinion of Seán Donlon is irrelevant to this thread. I shouldn’t have mentioned him.
Sam McBride in the Sindo said:
Is deliberatley killing civilians a war crime? Not necessarily, Sinn Féin seems to think. If it happened on this island between 1968 and 1998, and if it was done by the Provisional IRA then those killers receive the highest respect, If it's happening now in Gaza, it's an act of unspeakable barbarity and no effort should be spared in prosecuting those responsible"
He goes on to recall the bombing of the Shankill Road chip shop when 9 Protestant civilians were killed. The Provos said they were targeting the UVF high command which were using the chip shop as a shield - sound familiar? Grizzly attended the funeral of one of the bombers who blew himself up. Last week Sinn Féin unveiled a new plaque to him reading "Proudly remembered by his comrades and friends" The other bomber who canvasses for Sinn Féin was in attendance.
Off topic, but we should reflect that this looting and rioting in Dublin doesn't happen in a vacuum.
Update: :eek: a letter in today's IT blames the riots on austerity :mad:
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Off topic, but we should reflect that this looting and rioting in Dublin doesn't happen in a vacuum.
Update: :eek: a letter in today's IT blames the riots on austerity :mad:
And the Irish Times published it! :oops:

I'd love to hear the explanation of the intellectual justification for furthering the aims of right-wing ethno-nationalism by stealing runners from Foot Locker.
Just the left foot runner mind Purple, they obviously didn't need one for each foot! Maybe they were trying to balance their right wing tendencies with Nike Air under their left foot.
Good to see some of the hostages released, as well as some of the people, including children, held without charge in Israel.
I think Vardakar's tweet was a non-story. Israel are just looking for a hard reason to criticise Ireland for its general anti-Israeli bias.
In http://chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.awrad.org/files/server/2-20231115123229.pdf (a survey), a small one mind, only 13% of Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza expressed opposition to the October 7th attacks by Hamas.
A clear majority supported the actions of Hamas that day, actions which included the brutal murder of children. 59% strongly supported the attacks and 16% supported them to some extent. That's pretty disgusting.
Its sad, but I'd be fairly sure they might not be seeing the really worst footage from the atrocities and might well believe that the October 7th event was all military on military activities.
The paramilitary organisations that operate Gaza are not going to show i24 or sell the Jerusalem Post.
Last time I heard of pagers was when I worked in a US multinational in the mid 90s. Surprised they are still kicking about and being put to good use, bit like Fax machines.

Expect this is will herald the end of the pagers.
The Israelis just blew up all Hamas's pagers. You have to admire their technical abilities.
2,750 injured, 200 seriously :eek:
SKY news suggests one possible way it could be done - bombard the things with signals to make the batteries heat up and explode - jayz:eek:. Sounds like an easy technique for terrorists to down planes.
How were a bunch of pagers made to explode remotely and who did this? Can this be applied to mobile phones? Bit concerning if it can be!!
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