RPZ calculator in a RPZ


Registered User
Hi all. A query for a relative. Their first rent was set at €1650 on 1/10/23. Question is are they due to receive a rent review by 1/7/24 ? They had expected LL to give them 3 months notice of a rent increase to commence 1/10/24 ? If so how much will it be? RPZ is saying €8 according to RPZ calculator (as per HICP index) but they had been told 2% by LL which would have been 33€. Which amount is correct ?
when I put your dates and rent in to the RPZ I get €33; the rent increase has to be paid from (say) 1st Oct as you have to give 3 months notice. It applies to the full year though.


Did I misread your lease date?

I took it as 1st july?

Previous rent amount:€1650
Date rent was last set:01-07-2023
Date new rent set:01-07-2024
Maximum rent increase permitted, if any:€33
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My understanding is that you cant’t serve notice of rent review in the first 12 months of a tenancy in RPZ zone. So the earliest date to serve notice of rent review would be 1/10/24, with the increase in rent effective from 1/1/25
Rent can be reviewed once every 12 months.

Use the RPZ calculator & go by that.
Not as simple as this, and if the RPZ calculator is used properly, it will reject a rent review served within the first 12 months.

I think the OP should make up their own mind on whether or not they wish to stick within the rules or not. But the starting point should be a clear understanding of the legal requirement.
Rent was set on 1/10/23. So are you in agreement that no rent increase due until getting notice of a rent increase on 1/10/24? But actual rent increase will not take effect until 3 months later ? My understanding it is not 2% but HICP and this is less than 33€ at 8€. So really tenant has rent set for 15 months not 12. It’s as clear as mud on the RTB website.
Agree re dates. Re rent increase amount, the RTB calculator won’t yet have the HCIP values for later this year, so it won’t work properly when using it now…..it is underestimating the rent increase as it only has HCIP value as at earlier this year.
So in effect it’s 15 months until increase and 2% is not happening either. Poor landlord but good for my friend.