

Registered User
Has anyone come across They popped on my radar while I was abroad and I only took a look at them today.

They purport to be from Revolut (enough to put off some members already!) – “our founders helped turn Revolut into the biggest neo-bank in Europe.” Their ‘About’ page is a bit over the top as they built “Something big. Something needed. Against all odds.”

Their offerings seem to be restricted to 2 products:

Neverless Uninvested – with a yield of 5.05% (their high returns)
We put your uninvested money at work in bonds and loans (to the US government and fellow Neverless members) at the best rates we can find. Just like a bank. Only with better interest.

Neverless Strategies – with a yield of 12.71% (their stratospheric returns)
Not a lot of info on this option other than the yield and multi-currency deposits….and no fees!! Customer funds are automatically invested in Neverless’ proprietary market-neutral strategies to provide you high, stable return. Market-neutral strategies means that by design, the impact market movements have on them is minimal. Instead of trying to predict asset prices (which they claim is a guessing game), these strategies make money by taking advantage of real-time market inefficiencies.

They seem to be working in an arbitrage situation taking advantage of the very small differences in buy/sell prices, where their algorithms take advantage of the timely action required.

They say they are an EU approved VASP (Virtual Asset Service Providers ) for whatever it’s worth.

Just curious if anyone has heard about them or invested with them?

Thanks in advance.
Certainly looks light on information alright Brendan. I checked the Trustpilot reviews and they are very 'samey', even some with little issues thrown in that were resolved very quickly and satisfactorily.

One to be avoided.
Has anyone come across They popped on my radar while I was abroad and I only took a look at them today.

They purport to be from Revolut (enough to put off some members already!) – “our founders helped turn Revolut into the biggest neo-bank in Europe.” Their ‘About’ page is a bit over the top as they built “Something big. Something needed. Against all odds.”

Their offerings seem to be restricted to 2 products:

Neverless Uninvested – with a yield of 5.05% (their high returns)
We put your uninvested money at work in bonds and loans (to the US government and fellow Neverless members) at the best rates we can find. Just like a bank. Only with better interest.

Neverless Strategies – with a yield of 12.71% (their stratospheric returns)
Not a lot of info on this option other than the yield and multi-currency deposits….and no fees!! Customer funds are automatically invested in Neverless’ proprietary market-neutral strategies to provide you high, stable return. Market-neutral strategies means that by design, the impact market movements have on them is minimal. Instead of trying to predict asset prices (which they claim is a guessing game), these strategies make money by taking advantage of real-time market inefficiencies.

They seem to be working in an arbitrage situation taking advantage of the very small differences in buy/sell prices, where their algorithms take advantage of the timely action required.

They say they are an EU approved VASP (Virtual Asset Service Providers ) for whatever it’s worth.

Just curious if anyone has heard about them or invested with them?

Thanks in advance.
I've been using them 3 months now all good.
The only thing that I could complain about was depositing money as it is converted to dollars and invested as dollars.
They somewhat fixed this now that you can deposit in EUR or GBP or USD but it is still converted+invested as dollars.

You do get a daily return which is nice looking at it most mornings and I see a little has been added to my total.
The returns so far are reflective of they advertise.

I have made one withdrawal so far and the money withdrawn was in my account 3 hours after I requested it.

In the terms and conditions you are giving them control of your money when invested and they invest as they see best so there is a risk but with all investing there is a risk.
There seems to be another company that pops up in the terms and conditions Monet labs llc which from what I gathered is a Spanish company and it seems they do the Arbitrage investing through them.
Hi Markus

I am assuming you are a genuine poster and not a shill.

But did you read my reply to the first post?

1) No mention of the legal entity behind the website
2) Promising stratospheric returns
3) Claiming to be crypto based

All indicators of a scam.

While all investments are risky, some are riskier than others.

You should take your money out if you still can.

Now if I developed such a strategy with 12.71% yield (“these strategies make money by taking advantage of real-time market inefficiencies.”) I’d be keeping it all to myself to make my millions, and exploit the inefficiency before the efficient market eventually nullifies it.

Fair play to the good people of never to offer us the opportunity to be part of this strategy. Then again maybe it’s far more profitable to sell advice than take it.
Hi Markus

I am assuming you are a genuine poster and not a shill.

But did you read my reply to the first post?

While all investments are risky, some are riskier than others.

You should take your money out if you still can.

Hi Brendan,

Genuine poster here and do not wish to mislead or want to see people lose their money, just sharing my experience so far with the app.

1) No mention of the legal entity behind the website
1) From my searching around they state that they're registered as a Virtual Assets Service Provider (VASP) in the EU and in the process of obtaining its Mifid license, Neverless is committed to operating within regulatory frameworks.

2) Promising stratospheric returns
2) All the returns I have received so far are representative of what they are claiming.

3) Claiming to be crypto based
3) This did jump out at me aswell as a potential red flag/scam.
Did give it a few weeks before I deposited money to see what it was like.
My thinking was, if it was a scam surely there would be enough complaints pop up/be reported that their app/website would be taken down.

Thank you for joining just to post that ...
Cheers for the welcome.