Tax Clearance Certificate rescinded - what to do?


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We got a notice yesterday from Revenue saying that my husband's Tax Clearance Certificate has been rescinded. It said:

A review of your most recent tax clearance application shows your circumstances have changed in relation to property ownership. Therefore you must submit a new application for tax clearance if still required.

My husband's father's estate has been probated (although no monies have come through) and the house was transferred into his name and his sister's name. The Local Property Tax seems to be fully paid up. What do I need to do in order to get back the Tax Clearance Certificate?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give!
We got a notice yesterday from Revenue saying that my husband's Tax Clearance Certificate has been rescinded. It said:

A review of your most recent tax clearance application shows your circumstances have changed in relation to property ownership. Therefore you must submit a new application for tax clearance if still required.

My husband's father's estate has been probated (although no monies have come through) and the house was transferred into his name and his sister's name. The Local Property Tax seems to be fully paid up. What do I need to do in order to get back the Tax Clearance Certificate?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give!
There's your answer.
Thanks! That worked!
This pulling of Tax Clearance Certs is across the board in the past week. 3 of my clients have had their TC pulled, for the same reason. It makes no sense - why would you pull a tax celarance cert, which would indicate that they have become non-compliant, just because they moved house?

I wrote to Revenue to ask about this and I go the following reply:
"There was a system review and any changes in property ownership since the last application for Tax Clearance was flagged and the customers must reapply for Tax Clearance in order to update the record "

It's just causing unnecessary panic, but that's Revenue
This pulling of Tax Clearance Certs is across the board in the past week. 3 of my clients have had their TC pulled, for the same reason. It makes no sense - why would you pull a tax celarance cert, which would indicate that they have become non-compliant, just because they moved house?

I wrote to Revenue to ask about this and I go the following reply:
"There was a system review and any changes in property ownership since the last application for Tax Clearance was flagged and the customers must reapply for Tax Clearance in order to update the record "

It's just causing unnecessary panic, but that's Revenue
Absolutely unnecessary panic, very frustrating when you are trying to run a business. A few hours were lost trying to understand the issue and get it sorted.
This pulling of Tax Clearance Certs is across the board in the past week. 3 of my clients have had their TC pulled, for the same reason. It makes no sense - why would you pull a tax celarance cert, which would indicate that they have become non-compliant, just because they moved house?

Does the holder's address not appear on the TCC? If so, then the answer to your question seems rather obvious.
The address doesn't appear on the TCC, it's just the name, PPSN, & 6-digit access number

Thanks. In my Revenue days they had - and looked like this: SAMPLE*

(* I found the above on the internet - I don't know whether or not it's a real one.)
Ah the good old days when a piece of paper meant getting paid without tax getting deducted even if you were up to your neck in Revenue debt a few short weeks/months after the letter was received!
Ah the good old days when a piece of paper meant getting paid without tax getting deducted even if you were up to your neck in Revenue debt a few short weeks/months after the letter was received!

Back then, one didn't even need to have one of them TCC tings - or even a bank account - to be elected Taoiseach! :rolleyes:
where's teh answer?
We got a notice yesterday from Revenue saying that my husband's Tax Clearance Certificate has been rescinded. It said:

A review of your most recent tax clearance application shows your circumstances have changed in relation to property ownership. Therefore you must submit a new application for tax clearance if still required.

My husband's father's estate has been probated (although no monies have come through) and the house was transferred into his name and his sister's name. The Local Property Tax seems to be fully paid up. What do I need to do in order to get back the Tax Clearance Certificate?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give!
If you ring the tax clearance office they will talk you through doing it online and reissue once all taxes are paid.

At least this is what they did with us despite the fact that I had just previously been issued with a 4 year tax clearance cert. It was negated due to house sale in our case.