Payment deadline for buying back NI


Registered User
Listening to someone on RTE radio today talking about this. They said that HMRC had told them that payments had to be made by April 2025. This is worrying for anyone still waiting to hear back from their application.
Sigh..deadline for application is April 2025. As long as you are in before the deadline they will honour that.

Once you are given the figure for backdated payments, you'll be given date(s) by which payments are to be completed.

So get the app in & start saving, thats all you need to do for now.
That's what I thought until I heard this man say that HMRC had told him it had to be paid by that date.
Sigh again

You can usually pay voluntary contributions for the past 6 years. The deadline is 5 April each year.

For example, you have until 5 April 2030 to make up for gaps for the tax year 2023 to 2024.

If you want to make voluntary contributions for the tax years 2016 to 2017 or 2017 to 2018, the deadline has been extended. You have until 5 April 2025 to pay."

As long as your app is in thats the important part; once you get your letter to make contributions pay attention to the dates.
Sigh again

You can usually pay voluntary contributions for the past 6 years. The deadline is 5 April each year.

For example, you have until 5 April 2030 to make up for gaps for the tax year 2023 to 2024.

If you want to make voluntary contributions for the tax years 2016 to 2017 or 2017 to 2018, the deadline has been extended. You have until 5 April 2025 to pay."

As long as your app is in thats the important part; once you get your letter to make contributions pay attention to the dates.
Apologies but the advice seems to be that you have to have paid the contributions by April 2025 which doesnt make sense as anyone applying now for Class 2 is given the reply time as August 2025....
I left England and moved to Ireland in 1999. Had confirmation of 16 years contributions. Filled in a CF83 to see if I can pay Class 2 contributions instead of Class 3. Received Class 3 forecast and a form asking for exact date I left my old job in England and exact date I moved abroad. Trying to remember is a nightmare for the old employer.
On same document they've asked for employment details since April 1999. This will obviously be Irish employers Have I got this right?
Many thanks.
Hi I'm trying to figure out important dates in this. I've read
It refers to dates "Why the urgency? A window of opportunity to top up UK pension entitlements by 16 years was due to end on April 5, but due to a surge in enquiries leading to a backlog in processing applications, the UK government last month extended the deadline until July 31."

Is that July 31 2024 or July 31 2025?